PC Pentagon Erases Islam From Fort Hood Shooting

It is pretty sad when the so called leaders of the greatest military force on the planet do not even have the guts to speak the truth. Especially when it is their fault that we lost 13 American soldiers because of politically correct policies. The Pentagon’s...

Lawyer: Fort Hood Suspect Prevented From Praying

After killing 12 of our brave soldiers, Islamic terrorist Hasan has the nerve to play the victim card. Claiming that he was not allowed to pray to the religion that this attack was in accordance with. What a shame. From the “Justice” chapter of Reliance of...

My Conversation With a Sen. Lindsey Graham Staff Member

This morning I put a call into the Washington office of (R-SC) Senator L. Graham. I called in regards to his statement that the Fort Hood attack had nothing to do with Islam or the war. Here is how the short conversation took place.CL: Hi my name is Chris and I am run...