Tag: Daniel Pipes

Daniel Pipes, and his Evasive Game….

When we had left off in my “Daniel Pipes: “Ignorance at its Finest, as he Desperately Tries to Keep Islam Alive in America!” article, I had mentioned that Pipes was playing an evasive game. Today we take a look at it.

Daniel Pipes: Ignorance at its Finest, as he Desperately Tries to Keep Islam Alive in America!

In a war in which we are losing ground to Islam, there are so called experts who continue to blatantly mislead Americans. As they are $elling what is nothing more than a feel good fantasy. One of the biggest culprits of this crime against America is so called historian, and specialist on the Middle East and “Islamism”, Professor Daniel Pipes. Here is his latest fantasy posting….

“Historian” Daniel Pipes: In a World of his own Making ~ Taking America Straight to an Islamic Hell

As many of you know I have pointed out numerous times that many high profile names who are supposed to be helping us win the war with Islam, have no real long term answers. The list includes ACT!’s Brigitte Gabriel, the Center for Security Policy’s Frank Gaffney, human rights lawyer Brooke Goldstein , FOX New’s Sean Hannity , and the Middle East Forum’s Daniel Pipes. The best they can seem to do is parade that fraud Zuhdi Jasser around, as if he is going to save the day. He is NOT. Today we will take a closer look at the so called “historian” Daniel Pipes.

Europe: The Rise of the Anti-Islam Campaign!

In my last article which was entitled “How do you win a war, When you Have no Answers?” (Frank Gaffney, Daniel Pipes, and the rest of the FAILED “moderate Islam” campaign), I pointed out that the polices of the many of the biggest names in this battle have been a huge failure. As Islam is clearly taking root in America. Also as stated, I have been speaking out on this issue for over 10 years and at first I paid a lot of attention (and still do) to Islam in the UK, and other non-Islamic countries in Europe. My hope is to avoid things getting as bad here with Muslims/Islam, as they are there.

How do you win a war, When you Have no Answers?

Frank Gaffney, Daniel Pipes, and the rest of the FAILED “moderate Islam” campaign.

For over 10 years I have been speaking out against the threat of Islam. When I first started, I remember numerous non-Muslims telling me that I should not say Islam itself is the problem. To use the term “Islamofascism” (which I admittedly did use for a short period of time), or “radical Islam”. Another popular term is “Islamism”. I did not really care for using the term “Islamofascism”, as in the back of my mind I knew Islam itself was the problem. After awhile I decided to go against the wishes of many friends and go with the truth. The truth being that Islam itself is the problem!