by admin | Aug 26, 2019 | Uncategorized
Those who follow the this site most likely know that the MSM is complicit with the Islam assisted cultural suicide of the West that is taking place. That is why I love to do my own reporting on this issue. Because only the truth will set our future generations free...
by admin | Aug 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Looking for some online material in order to write an article, today I visited the site of the Council Cancer of American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Unfortunately the first thing I noticed was another victory for the 5th Column Organization. Of course CAIR welcomes the...
by admin | Feb 15, 2015 | Uncategorized
Whatever happened to interfaith dialogue!? Whatever happened to clearing up the “misconceptions” of Islam? Oh, I forgot….Muslim propagandists only want dialogue when their partners in it are naïve and trusting non-Muslims. Unfortunately for the...
by admin | Sep 25, 2014 | Uncategorized
Back in 2010 the media was buzzing with the news of Islamic atrocities being committed, and Muslim propagandists were scrambling for an answer in an effort to combat the negative media attention. That “answer” came from Pakistani-born scholar Dr. Tahir...
by admin | Jun 8, 2014 | Uncategorized
On the surface many publically known Muslims appear to be well-meaning, but the truth is that they prey on naïve and trusting non-Muslims. Tonight I will share another example of this with you. Let’s take a look at how NY’s Linda Sarsour deceives the...
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