Coming up on Logan’s Warning

Hello everyone! I just wanted everyone to know that there are a couple more exclusives coming up very shortly. One will be the opposition party’s 911 pro-Ground Zero Mosque, anti-“Muslim bigotry”, and anti-Pamela Geller-Robert Spencer rally. Another...

NY Mosque Issues 911 Statement on Logan’s Warning!

On the day of the 10Th anniversary of the 911 Islamic terrorist attacks on America, a Mosque from Bellmore NY had issued a statement Logan’s Warning in regards to the attacks and America it itself. Let’s take a look. Bellmore Masjid In the Name of Allah,...

911 ~ The day ISLAM Shook America!

On the day before the 10Th anniversary of the 2001 Islamic terrorist attacks on America, there are four things we should remember. The first two are all of those who were murdered that day, and their families who still suffer till this day. The third is the brave...