554 search results for "threat"

The White House Outreach to American Muslims

Dictator Obama and Co., have two things on their minds. The first is to spend every penny they can their America hating hands on. The second is catering to Islam. In February John Brennan, Assistant to the President For Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, gave a big time Islamophile speech at NYU. More recently Obama has decided to omit terms like “radical Islam”, from security papers. He is even rolling out the red carpet, for 500 Muslims in a seminar on entrepreneurship.

K. Holmes/ Pacino Movie set Bows to Islam

Muslims say jump, and as usual non-Muslims ask how high? If this constant catering to Islam does not stop, eventually the non-Muslims of this country will end up being subservient to Islam. Which is just what Islam calls for.

YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

CAIR Gets “Leaving Islam” bus ads Pulled

Once again the bullies of the Cancer on American Islamic Relations, score a victory. It seems that all CAIR has to do is complain about something being anti-Islamic, and non-Muslims obey their commands, without doing any research on Islam at all. Here is a clue, Islam is a religion of war, that encourages lying, and allows rape. Islam is what is “offensive”.

SF Police Chief Bows Down to Local Muslim Community

What do San Francisco police Cheif George Gason, and L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca have in common? They are both suffering from a life-threatening disease. The disease is the deadly Muslim Appeasement Delusional Disorder (MADD). If a cure for MADD is not quickly found, it will spread like wildfire, and then is just a matter of time until Islam dominates America. My diagnosis is that two parts of the cure are, being educated on Islam, and growing a spine. Lets see if they are willing to take the treatment.

Islam in Italy Conference=Plotting to Takeover Italy

I don’t know about you guys, but I consider all pro-Sharia Muslims the enemy. If it were up to me, they would not be allowed to assemble like this. Allowing them to assemble, plot, and recruit within our countries is equivalent to having a life-threatening disease, and doing nothing to prevent dying a slow death. Because that is what Islam is doing to life as we know it. It is slowly destroying Western Civilization.

US Church Buys Anti-Islam ad

Well there is some good news this morning, we can add the Granite City Baptist Church to the short list of Churches that are brave enough to speak out against the threat of Islam. Three others being the Dove World Outreach Center, the Iranian led Fishermen’s House Church in Tulsa, and Reclaiming Oklahoma for Christ. Because of the political aspect of Islam, we are not yet winning this war. But the tide is slowly turning in our favor. Hang in there my friends.