554 search results for "threat"

Muslims set to Counter “Draw Mohammad Day”~ Video

Recently Muslims had made veiled threats, to the executive producers of the South Park comedy show, just because Mohammad was featured in one of their cartoons. After the veiled threats, Comedy Central cowardly censored the episode. A few days later, Seattle artist Molly Norris came up with the idea to start an “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day!”. Like wildfire the idea spread across the Internet, but it was all was too much for Molly to handle. She quickly backed down as well.

Louisiana Bans Sharia Law!

Some of the main points of my plan against Islam, are to become energy independent, end Muslim immigration, and officially ban Sharia Law. Thankfully the state of Louisiana has done their part, with Sharia Law. To preserve Western Civilization, we are going to have to vote in more politicians that are willing to fight Islam head on. The Netherland’s Geert Wilders would be one, and Vijay Kumar of Tennessee, would be another. We are finally heading in the right direction, keep on speaking out!

Iran to US: Be a Friend, if you Want to Survive

With Obama in charge we are a weak country. Everyone except those that voted for him, seems to realize this. As Iran gets closer to obtaining nuclear weapons, they will get even more brazen. Will anyone stop them? I doubt very much that Obama is going to do anything, will Israel? Or will Obama try and stop Israel from protecting themselves? My money is on Israel. Go Bibi!

Media Should get Islam Right~ Exposed!

When it comes to those that are trying to educate our country to the threat of Islam, our work is never done. Muslims are running a 24/7 propaganda machine, and here is another one of their cons exposed.

Media should get Islam right
By Hind Al-Subai Al-Idrisi

Rabat – Given the amount of violence and instability in countries with Muslim majorities, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, some people mistakenly assume the violence stems from Islamic teachings, when in fact Islam does not condone such actions. The media does not help the matter, often focusing on the activities of terrorists who claim to be Muslims, instead of identifying these individuals as criminals and shedding light on the true essence of Islam.

Afghans Riot Over Death in US Night Raid

Back in March, Afghans told General McChrystal to jump, and he asked how high? He then restricted our great troops even more, and changed the policies on night raids. Apparently the General knows little about the Islamic world. He seems oblivious to the fact, that the more we give, the more they want. Their demands are never ending. Besides having the troops fight with one hand tied behind their back, it is time to move away from this nation building plan. The infidel does not get to dictate to Muslims what Islam is. It is time to bring the troops home, and end all Muslim immigration.

Ex-CAIR Chairman Takes Seat on Jacksonville Human Rights Commission

The City Council of Jacksonville, has lent a hand in the slow suicide of America. They have voted the ex-chairman of the Cancer of American Islamic Relations, onto their Human Rights Commission. Back in 2008 when Parvez Ahmed left CAIR, he said he wanted the group to be even more pro-active in promoting the civil rights of Muslims. Like they had not done enough damage already. He is also another Islamic liar, as he made the following ridiculous statement.

Islamic State of America.com

For nearly 1400 years, non-Muslims have made excuse after excuse for Islam. Outside of Israel, Islam has taken over the Middle East, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It has also taken over large portions of Africa, Europe, India, the Philippines (Moro region), and (Southern) Thailand, etc. Now the problem is in our backyard, and the excuses for Islam continue. How much more land does it have to dominate before we wake up? The world avoided Nazism for as long as it could, and like the Nazis, pro-Sharia Muslims are not hiding their agenda. Here is more proof of that.

Top Ranked Islamic Site Calls for the Final Jihad!

While we Western non-Muslims are arguing amongst ourselves, as to whether there really is an Islamic threat, Muslims are uniting against us. Today the top ranked Islamic site Khalifah Institute, put out the call for the final jihad. The site had 184,800 visitors recorded today. They call it the final jihad, because the Western and Islamic worlds, have been down this road before.