554 search results for "threat"

The Bitter Truth: “Moderate” Muslims are not Coming to the Rescue

As most of you know I have been speaking out against the threat of Islam for approximately eight years now. Over the years, I have seen the same pattern of denial and baseless wishful thinking. Obviously President Bush knew of the threat of violent Muslims, but outside of that he was uninformed on Islam. Him continually telling us that Islam was a religion of peace has set us back years in the war against Islam. Bush believed that “moderate” Muslims and democracy, were going to transform the Islamic world into a peaceful coexistence with us. In fact democracy with Muslims has not only backfired on us, it has also legitimized Islamic terrorist organizations like Hamas when they were voted into office. Some other examples of this failure are Sharia being implemented in Somalia, after it was voted in, Hezbollah gaining power in the government of Lebanon, and what might just be the most dangerous Islamic political party of all, Turkey’s AKP Party has won two consecutive elections. They are also possibly on their way to a third victory.

My Experience at the 911 Rally in NYC~Taking it to the Streets~ Videos

On Saturday I attended the 911 rally in NYC. Which was held in remembrance of the victims of 911, and against the proposed Ground Zero Mosque. Before I went there I had promotional materials, and flyers which outlined the threat of Sharia Law printed up. I also brought a camcorder with me, but outside of handing out the flyers, I was not exactly sure what my game plan was going to be. I figured I would play it by ear. When I got off the train I was a few blocks away from the main stage of the event. As I walked towards it, one of the first things I noticed was the large amount of people in favor of the Mosque (although they were greatly outnumbered). Being that this was my first time recording, navigating through the crowd and debating I didn’t do such a good job with the video. But I will use this as a learning experience, and do a much better job next time. (Or bring someone with me to do the recording.) But the audio you will hear in this video says it all. The first guy I spoke to was speaking out against “Islamophobia”, but at about the midway point of the video, I turn my attention to some guy who called me a bigot.

UK: Burn the American Flag day 9/11~ Also a Call for Sharia @ US Embassy~ Video

As expected, Muslims are fighting back in response to “Burn a Koran Day”. Once again we see Muslims cannot deal with the freedoms of the West, and are once again resorting to threats. Which means they should not be allowed to immigrate into non-Islamic countries anymore. In the video below the spokesman says the “correct Islamic punishment” should be delivered on Pastor Jones, and the people who attack Islam have not learned their lesson, like Theo van Gogh. Then he goes on to say they don’t believe in freedom, and even the worst Muslim is superior to all Christians and Jews put together. If anyone reading thinks this is some kind of game, or just made up threat by right wingers, I suggest you watch this very insightful video.

Facebook: 6000 Sign up for Wear a Hijab Day on 911, Defy “Burn a Quran Day”

In response to the now suspended “Burn a Koran Day”, two US Churches will be holding readings of the Koran. Now some more non-Muslims have joined the dhimmi dance, as I have been notified of a “Wear Hijab on 9/11, Defy “Burn a Quran Day” Facebook page. A page which has approximately 6000 members. There are a lot of Muslim members, who of course love the support of the purposely blind to the threat of Islam crowd. But there are also a lot of non-Muslims supporting the page, which was started by a non-Muslim woman. Islam the great divider, strikes again.

Churches to do Koran Readings on 9/11

As I stated earlier, this whole “Burn a Koran Day” is extremely being blown out of proportion. Christians that I have never seen say a word about the persecution of their Christians brothers and sisters, are being more protective of Islam than their own religion. Now we have two Churches that are going to honor Islam. A religion which calls for their dominance, and insults their view of Jesus. To make matters worse they are doing this on 911, to try and counter the “Burn a Koran Day”.

UK: Islamic Conference to Support Captured Muslims

While we see more and more infighting between non-Muslims over Islam, Muslims are continuing to unite against us. Here we learn of another Islamic conference in the UK, and the quote from the Abu-Dawud hadith says it all. (Click on picture to enlarge.)
The threat is real, and non-Muslims have to stop being purposely blind to it, or our families future generations will surely suffer under Islamic rule.