by admin | Jan 14, 2015 | Uncategorized
Hello friends! Apparently the word is getting out about the nation’s most assertive anti-Islamic organization. Because we have recently hit a huge milestone on Facebook! The 10K mark! Which is quite an accomplishment considering we have not any TV appearances...
by admin | Jan 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
Today we see another example of how everyday citizens like us can make a difference in the war with Islam. Last night I published a post that showed an Islamic terror threat to NYC. A threat that was reported to the FBI. (Click on images to enlarge.) When I went back...
by admin | Jan 8, 2015 | Uncategorized
For years I have been asking how can we defeat an enemy if we cannot even name it? Not only is the media complicit in this matter, so are many non-Muslim politicians. Germany not sure? De Maizière warns against panic-mongering Berlin – According to the German police...
by admin | Jan 5, 2015 | Uncategorized
All it takes is for a Muslim to say something non-Muslims want to hear, and many in the non-Muslim community come running in support. If one of them says Islam does not condone terrorism, or that Islam will reform they are mistakenly paraded around as the...
by admin | Dec 26, 2014 | Uncategorized
Just this morning I was telling a European supporter of North American Infidels that the media is one of our main targets next year. (That is NOT a threat of violence.) But since so much of the treacherous media cannot stop itself from trying to sugarcoat the threat...
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