554 search results for "threat"

Peter King Caves Again, Will NOT Call Hirsi Ali to the Stand!

Punch drunk Peter King has not only failed to call Islamic experts Robert Spencer and Steve Emerson to the stand in his “radical” Islam hearings, now he has bowed down to Islamic pressure again and has stated he will not call Hirsi Ali to the stand. In return for not using these three very knowledgeable non-Muslims as witnesses, King has said he will go with mostly Muslims and Arabs to make his case. Does Rep. King even begin to realize that Islam encourages Muslims to lie?

~The Battle Royale For Britain!~

The problems that Muslims are causing in the UK are just the tip of the iceberg of the global war with Islam. The tensions across the world between Islam and non-Muslims are on the rise because Muslims invaded our lands and are exploiting the West’s politically correct disease on a daily basis. Just as Hitler didn’t hide his venom-fueled agenda, neither do the Sharia-loving Muslims of the UK. When the UK foolishly sanctioned the Sharia Courts, Muslims quickly moved onto their next demand, which is Sharia for all!

~Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Following Logan’s Warning~

Over the past year or so, we here at Logan’s Warning have had numerous Islamic mouthpieces either leave thinly-veiled threats or slickly attempt to con us into believing that Western Civilization is in no peril due to Islam. One of the most recent and vocal of these was Koshin Mohamed of the US Army. The Islamic focus on this site has recently been intensified to a new level, as last night I received an alert that CAIR member Ahmed Rehab is following this site. About 10 days ago, the Iranian Shia media conglomerate, AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA), published an article that they took from Logan’s Warning (but not before altering to their liking a few words to slightly to fit their agenda!).. What does this added attention mean? It means that we here are definitely doing something right to attract the Islamic World’s watchful eye!

Halal Invades Ground Zero~ Expands Across the City!~ PHOTO ESSAY

Obviously, the threat of violent Muslims exists, but Muslims have a much more lethal weapon than that. To make matters worse, this weapon is not even illegal. It is a lawful attack in which Muslims use the freedoms of America to slowly take over from within our great country’s borders. This compilation portrays a perfect example of this. Recently walking around NYC, I noticed there was something missing and very different. Do you guys remember those good ole’ NY hot dog stands?