Texas Public School Whitewashing of Mohammad Exposed!

Who was Mohammad? Recently I have seen a lot of online talk over whether Islam should be taught in our public schools. I think it should be taught, but portrayed as the threat it is. Just as Nazism was taught to us. In other words stop whitewashing it, and tell the...

Media Failure Alert! Megyn Kelly Duped by Saba Ahmed!

The MSM is supposed to be concerned about the well-being of America, meaning they should be more than willing to tell the truth about Islam. But once again we see how FOX News’ Megyn Kelly actually empowers the enemy. That enemy is Islam. The main reason I...

Someone is not Happy….

Thankfully many non-Muslims know of the threat of Islamic terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and ISIS. That is a good start, but it is just not enough. Because the threat of Islam goes way beyond Islamic terrorist organizations. It extends to your...