“F” off Logan! We are Coming for you!

Today I woke up to a nice and quiet rainy day in NY. Then I went to my Gab account…. WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE In order to show where I live he would need my IP address. So his next move was to lay out some bait. Bait that I would not fall for. As the protector...

Logan’s Warning ~ The Next Phase

When Trump won the election I had thought things might change in the media in regards to Islam. At least a little bit. Unfortunately it did not as the same nation killing politically correct terminology is still being used. So in an effort to further educate the...

Logan’s Warning Media Appearances

Logan’s Warning is a hard hitting street reporter who unlike the MSM, has been exposing the threat of Islam for approximately 15 years now. His articles have appeared on Ali Sina’s Faith Freedom Forum, Atlas Shrugs, Creeping Sharia, Family Security...