554 search results for "threat"

North American Infidel (NAI) Debate #1 ~ On the Tom Trento Radio Show!

About two hours ago I finished the first North American Infidel (NAI) debate. It took place on the Tom Trento Radio Show, and my opponent was “Hassan” from London. Basically he tried to get the focus off of Muslims, and denied Sharia is creeping in. He implied there is no threat, and that people like “Mr. Logan” are the ones causing problems. His games were thoroughly exposed! Tom will air it sometime next week.

North American Infidel (NAI) Dictionary: “Insidious Islam”

The other evening I took a walk through Times Square NYC, and on a two block span I saw at least 7 woman in hijabs, and one with the Islamic ninja head covering. Eyes only, but it was not black, it was leopard spotted. That night it was raining so because of that, on some of the corners the odor of halal foot reeked more than usual through the air from food carts. These are examples of what I call insidious Islam. Aspects of Sharia seemingly harmless, gradually seeping into our society. One leading to another. Then one day you wake up and realize your neighborhood has changed to suit Islam. This is what happened across Europe. Obviously the violent side of Islam is a threat, but insidious Islam is a greater one. As Muslims have successfully turned our freedoms into tools of Islam.

GOP Congressman Calls for Action Against Islam!

Finally after all of these years of grinding away against the facade that Islam is a “religion of peace”, prominent non-Muslims have finally started to speak out against it as well! Within the last week radio host Laura Ingraham has spoken out against Muslim immigration, on FOX News Judge Jeannie Pirro put an absolute smack down on Mamma Jihad, and now we see that GOP member Dana Rohrabacher, has come straight out and has called for action against Islam!

North American Infidels Salutes Radio Host Laura Ingraham!

As most of you probably know I have been calling for an end to Muslim for several years now, but have been disappointed that there are not enough prominent people also supplying answers to the threat of Islam. That is besides the fact that most of the mainstream media has been complacent with the enemy ideology of Islam. But now thankfully radio host Laura Ingraham has stepped up to the plate, and has spoken out against Muslim immigration. We here at Logan’s Warning/North American Infidels (NAI) salute her for taking such a brave stance in order to protect America from further Islamic infiltration. Thank you Laura!

Logan’s Warning ~ North American Infidels Update!

Hello friends,

I apologize for the time off, I just wanted to take short break before we hit the ground running with our new project! In case you missed my Easter Day appearance on the EDL Radio Show, I proudly announced that I was handed the reigns of the North American Infidel (NAI) Facebook page! The page is turning into an anti-Islam army, as we are close to 5000 strong!

Pope Francis Calls for Dialogue With Islam….

Well it certainly has not taken long for the newly elected Pope to bow down to Islam. Because unless he is going to tell Muslims that their religion is a threat to Christians and Western Civilization, dialogue with Muslims will just lead to more appeasement of Islam. Considering he has been protective of Mohammad in the past, it will be the latter.

Pope Francis: Protector of Mohammad and a Friend to Islam

Over the years I have found it astonishing how the Vatican cowardly sits there and watches as Europe slowly gets devoured by the Islamic beast. Not only didn’t they do anything to stop Islam, they actually aided in the destruction of Western Civilization. So when the new Pope was elected on March 13th, my first thought was what were his views on Islam? Unfortunately today I found that answer.

USA: ANOTHER Wanna-be Mohammad TRIES to Justify Islam Allowing Child Marriage/Pedophilia!

Tonight while I was being interviewed on Audacious Audrey Russo’s REELTalk Radio Show, we spoke about I engage Muslims. I had said to Audrey that one of the reasons I do it is to show their true colors. What they believe in. Well tonight we get another example of the mind of a Muslim. As another wanna-be Mohammad takes a stand for what those with morals call child marriage. This time the potential predator is traitor to America, JihadiFanClub.