554 search results for "threat"

Robert Spencer & Pamela Geller: Do NOT ban Islam ~ We can Coexist!

That is right, unfortunately you have read the title correctly. I used to be a big admirer of what was dubbed as the “dynamic duo”, and really did not want to have to write this. But I would be failing the anti-Islam campaign if I did not.

Lately the actions of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have been very questionable, while showing weak leadership.

Atlanta Mosque Calls for Mass Slaughter of Animals to Satisfy Allah’s Blood Lust!

Although this Islamic “sacrifice” errr….bloodfest of Qurbani took place last month, this video which comes from the Al-Farooq Mosque in Atlanta Georgia has to be exposed! In it Imam Mohammad Khalid, calls for Muslims to make a blood sacrifice to Allah in the name of Qurbani. But before we head to the video, here is a little background on this sick sacrifice to Allah.

Tommy’s new “Friends”

I think it is safe to say that you have heard about Tommy Robinson’s departure from the English Defence League (EDL). But I wanted to add my thoughts to the discussion. Now I understand that some bad elements, Nazis and white supremacists infiltrated the EDL. But he should have tried to weed them out. Maybe he did try, or maybe he did not try hard enough. Either way, he could have just stepped down from the EDL command. Instead, he steps down and then stabs thousands of good EDL members in the back, by joining the Quilliam Foundation. A Muslim “think tank”. There is where my problem with Tommy begins, and this is where my support for him ends.

Daniel Pipes, and his Evasive Game….

When we had left off in my “Daniel Pipes: “Ignorance at its Finest, as he Desperately Tries to Keep Islam Alive in America!” article, I had mentioned that Pipes was playing an evasive game. Today we take a look at it.

Daniel Pipes: Ignorance at its Finest, as he Desperately Tries to Keep Islam Alive in America!

In a war in which we are losing ground to Islam, there are so called experts who continue to blatantly mislead Americans. As they are $elling what is nothing more than a feel good fantasy. One of the biggest culprits of this crime against America is so called historian, and specialist on the Middle East and “Islamism”, Professor Daniel Pipes. Here is his latest fantasy posting….