554 search results for "threat"

The Arabsyndikatet Attempting to Intimidate Logan’s Warning!

Over the years I have gotten numerous threats and veiled threats from marauding Muslims. But I do not post a lot of them. It is something just that comes with the territory of raising the awareness level to the threat of Islam.

Recently though there seems to be an uptick in the attempt of intimidating me. What they fail to understand is that their threats only add fuel to my anti-Islamic fire

~Islam & Nazism: Ideologies of Hate~

As America continues to raise its voice louder against the threat of Islam, I see more and more Jewish people taking a stand with Islam. They even have gone as far as to call those that speak out against Islam “Nazis”. They attempt to draw an analogy between the outcry against Islam and the Nazis’ rant against the Jews back in the 1930s and ’40s. Their comparison falls far short from the truth. The reality is that Islam and Nazism are what are comparable! Reason being? There is NO mistaking that they both preach a profound hatred of Jews!

Logan’s Warning Goes Toe to Toe With WABC’s Curtis Sliwa!

Late Friday afternoon I was walking through NYC’s Penn Station at rush hour. As I was I happened to notice WABC’s radio host and founder of the Guardian Angles, Curtis Sliwa, standing there.

I walked over to him and while introducing myself, politely shook his hand. Thanking him for his conservative work in a liberal dominated city. He smiled and said “especially in NY”. He proceeded to hand me his business card.