554 search results for "threat"

Pamela Geller’s Hypocritical Support of a “Reformation of Islam”

All it takes is for a Muslim to say something non-Muslims want to hear, and many in the non-Muslim community come running in support. If one of them says Islam does not condone terrorism, or that Islam will reform they are mistakenly paraded around as the “savior” of the free world. Some examples of this from the past are “Muslims Against Sharia”, a fraudulent group that I had exposed on my first site, Islaminaction08@yahoo.com. After them I encountered Shoaib Choudhury of Bangladesh who I exposed on Facebook. A so called moderate who had threatened to sue in an effort to silence me, and ended up bilking non-Muslims out of 10’s of thousands of dollars.

Pittsburgh Post ~ Gazette’s Whitewashing of Islam ~ Rebuked!

Just this morning I was telling a European supporter of North American Infidels that the media is one of our main targets next year. (That is NOT a threat of violence.) But since so much of the treacherous media cannot stop itself from trying to sugarcoat the threat of Islam, I have been forced to pick up the pace of our media rebuttals before the New Year.

Interfaith Misinformation Alert! The Islamic Cultural Center of NY

The harsh reality of the situation is that for now most of our current government is clearly not on our side when it comes to Islam. Which puts this fight directly in our hands, and it is our job to protect our future generations from the barbarity of Islamic rule. So one of the best ways we can combat this threat is to expose the deception and misinformation Muslims are providing at interfaith meetings. Meetings in which they prey on naïve and trusting non-Muslims.

Washington Muslim: Logan, you Will Drown in Your own Blood!

When I first started my mission against Islam I was continually told that Muslims in America were different from elsewhere. Of course I did not believe it one bit, as America was not going to magically be the one country Muslims did not want to takeover. My response was to look overseas to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam, and back then most of the threats I received were from lands far away. Recently though that has changed. Now they are coming from within the gates of our great country. America.

Dean of CONmedy Runs From a Debate on Geller’s bus ads….

Longtime readers might remember my run-in with NYC’s Muslim, so called comedian Dean Obeidallah. I call him a so called comedian, because the reality is that he is a Muslim propagandist who uses the theatre of comedy to whitewash the threat of Islam. Purposely misleading naïve and trusting patrons.

Part of his act is to appear on mostly left leaning media outlets: