For those who are not on the social application Telegram here is a little information about it. Not only does it have rooms that you can text in, it also gives users the option to leave voice messages.
Well, well, well,… looks like at least one country is waking up to the current Muslim invasion, and is willing to protect itself from the great culture killer called Islam. As it is an ideology of conquest.
If you have read my last two articles you know that I have been exposing pure evils of the so called religion of peace. Such as FMG (Female Genital Mutilation), and animal abuse that Muslims turn into a sporting event.
As I have been saying. Islam is a perpetual war and wars are fought on many different fronts. Such as the information war against Muslim propagandists. When it comes to Muslims there is another front known as stealth jihad or what I call insidious Islam.
If you don’t know about Gambia it is an overwhelming Muslim populated country in Africa. The U.S. government estimates the total population at 2.2 million (midyear 2020 estimate).…
Personally I don’t have it in me to sit around and lie all day in an attempt to mislead people on any issue. Unfortunately for America, that is exactly what Gain Peace’s Dr. Sabeel Ahmed does for a living.