Category: Uncategorized

Do you Want to Preserve our Freedoms?

After doing some filming in an Islamic section of Brooklyn (will be published soon), I headed back to Manhattan and was walking around Rockefeller Center. Then all of a sudden it hit me just how great America is. Here are some of the freedoms that most of us take for granted.

NYC: Muslim Prayer Broadcast onto Streets~Videos

Last month I recorded the Islamic call to pray (adhan) being broadcast onto the streets from the Masjid At-Taqwa, located in Brooklyn. Yesterday I took it to the streets of Manhattan, and headed over to the Masjid ar-Rahman, located at 15 W29th St, for the 4:42 call to prayer. Muslims there took the Islamic encroachment one step further.

Happy New Year to All!

I hope everyone engages in some anti-Islamic activities tonight, and has a great and safe night! In the meantime I am working on four articles, that will be published within the next few days.

My Debate with US Army Member Koshin Mohamed~ Part I

Back on August 16Th I posted the following article. “My Email to Fort Carson In Regards to Islam Promoting Major General Hammond~ UPDATED With Reply”. On November 14Th the following post was left by Koshin Mohamed who is a Special Combat Engineer 4Th Engineering Bat. 569 Company, US Army.