NYC: Rolling out the Red Carpet for Islam

When I think of Islam and NYC, two things come to mind. Obviously the first is 911, the day teams of wanna-be Mohammad’s destroyed the Twin Towers. The second is the foolishness which followed that tragic day. Since then NYC has been committing a slow suicide by...

Logan’s Warning Anti-Koran Verse 3:110

Koran verse 3:110 states that Muslims are the best of mankind.   { كُنْتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِٱلْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ ٱلْمُنْكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ وَلَوْ آمَنَ أَهْلُ ٱلْكِتَابِ لَكَانَ خَيْراً لَّهُمْ مِّنْهُمُ...