Muslim Gangs Imposing Sharia law in British Prisons

They already have dozens of Sharia Courts outside of the UK prisons, so why not bring Sharia into the prisons? Of course the answer by the Prison Officers’ Association is to recruit more Muslim officers. When problems with Islam arise, the usual answer by...

Afghan Prez Infuriated With the Capture of Taliban #2

The longer that the war goes on, the more I see our so called leaders, and “allies” weakening to the never ending will of the Taliban. Back in late January, US General McChrystal made the following statement. “As a soldier, my personal feeling is that...

Muslim Sues NY Police for Job Bias

More and more we see Muslims imposing their religion on non-Muslims, plotting terrorist attacks, playing the victim card, or filing lawsuits. Maybe one day they will realize that Islam and the West do not mix. Even if they do most of them will not leave, as their...

France: 8 Restaurants go Halal Only, Protest Ensues

Muslim immigration slowly leads to Muslims taking over neighborhoods. Which leads to many businesses picking greed over protecting life as they know it. Catering to Islam will just lead to more demands, and the bottom line is that if Muslim immigration is not stopped,...