Spain: Seven That Opened Sharia Court set Free

So seven Sharia loving Muslims get released and are now free to continue to setup shop where ever they feel like it. Not only should all Muslim immigration be ended, Sharia Law itself should be banned, and any Muslim that calls for it afterwards, shall be arrested and...

Mosul Iraq: Muslims on Christian Killing Spree~ Video

 Just like we see the persecution of Christians continuing across the rest of the Islamic world, it is still happening in Iraq. As I have been saying, the infidel does not get to go into the Islamic world and dictate to Muslims what Islam is. Watch as one city has...

Study: Muslims in European Prisons

Earlier today I posted a story about Muslims imposing Sharia Law within the UK prison system. While surfing the Internet, I just came across this study about Muslim prisoners in Europe. Of course much of it is filled with Muslims playing the victim card. They are the...

My Recent Email Exchange With a Pro-Sharia Muslim

Occasionally I receive emails from a pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel Muslim named Abu Zahrin Abu Bakar. Here is our latest exchange. (I am not sure where he is from, but we were talking about the UK.) CL: Do you want Islam to takeover the UK? Zahrin: ALREADY TAKEN SO...

Muslim Gangs Imposing Sharia law in British Prisons

They already have dozens of Sharia Courts outside of the UK prisons, so why not bring Sharia into the prisons? Of course the answer by the Prison Officers’ Association is to recruit more Muslim officers. When problems with Islam arise, the usual answer by...