President Obama Seeks to Bridge Differences with Islam

Looking for an article to post about Islam, I just found this one on Voice of America. It is so one-sided, that I just had to tear it apart. What makes this article more interesting than most, is that VOA is funded by the US Islamic ass kissing government of America....

Welcome to Shariah Board of America

For years I have been saying that all we need to do is look to the UK to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam. While things are worse across the pond, the Sharia movement in America is alive and kicking. The question is, what are we going to do about it?...

Textbooks Teach the Truth About Muslims, CAIR Complains

Articles that show more of us speaking the truth, and standing up to Islam are a pleasure to post. In this one, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), is upset that a textbook states that Muslims want to undermine US society. Did CAIR suddenly forget what...

Quebec: Cracking Down on Accommodations to Muslims!

I am glad to see that more and more people are starting to catch on and see that catering to the intolerant religion/ideology of Islam is a big mistake. Will Hillary now scold Quebec for Muslim “discrimination”, as she recently did our European allies?...