by admin | Apr 16, 2010 | Uncategorized
Ever since Obama took office, the pattern of our government catering to Islam has been crystal clear. Recent examples of this are Obama overturning the Bush ban on Tariq Ramadan, ending the use of terms like “radical Islam” in security documents, and the...
by admin | Apr 16, 2010 | Uncategorized
Once again the bullies of the Cancer on American Islamic Relations, score a victory. It seems that all CAIR has to do is complain about something being anti-Islamic, and non-Muslims obey their commands, without doing any research on Islam at all. Here is a clue, Islam...
by admin | Apr 14, 2010 | Uncategorized
A few weeks ago in a show of power the Islamist government of Turkey took on their own military. Today we see them being good Muslims, and turning on what was supposed to be an ally. All the while, Iran moves towards obtaining nuclear warheads. Sides are being drawn...
by admin | Apr 11, 2010 | Uncategorized
When I first read the headline of this article I pleased, that is until I read the entire article. While Senator Lieberman is obviously better than Obama on this issue, he fully does not get it either. At this point though, we have to take what we can get. I will now...
by admin | Apr 11, 2010 | Uncategorized
Back in late January, Islam loving Obama overturned a President Bush ban on Tariq Ramadan. Ramadan is a smooth talking Islamist, and he has quickly joined in on the Islamic info war. The problem with speeches like this, is that those that do not follow the subject of...
by admin | Apr 7, 2010 | Uncategorized
The Council on American Islamic Relations, has attempted to counter the anti-Islam message recently made by a Minnesota Church. Here I counter the CAIR message. Muslim group counters St. Cloud pastor’s anti-Islam ad The Minnesota chapter of the Council on...
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