Iran to US: Be a Friend, if you Want to Survive

With Obama in charge we are a weak country. Everyone except those that voted for him, seems to realize this. As Iran gets closer to obtaining nuclear weapons, they will get even more brazen. Will anyone stop them? I doubt very much that Obama is going to do anything,...

UK: 12 Arrested After Anti-Islam Demo

The English Defence League, continues to fight against the attempted Islamic takeover of the UK. One of the problems though, is that they are fighting against their own government as well. In the short video below, check out Gordon Brown’s pathetic speech on...

Jordanian CIA Bomber Urges Muslims to Wage Jihad

The message of jihad, continues. Will our leaders ever face the reality that “moderate” Islam is not coming to the rescue? If not, we are going to eventually lose this war. Jordanian CIA bomber urges Muslims to wage jihad CAIRO — The Jordanian doctor who...

Media Should get Islam Right~ Exposed!

When it comes to those that are trying to educate our country to the threat of Islam, our work is never done. Muslims are running a 24/7 propaganda machine, and here is another one of their cons exposed. Media should get Islam right By Hind Al-Subai Al-Idrisi Rabat...

Afghans Riot Over Death in US Night Raid

Back in March, Afghans told General McChrystal to jump, and he asked how high? He then restricted our great troops even more, and changed the policies on night raids. Apparently the General knows little about the Islamic world. He seems oblivious to the fact, that the...

Obama: US Making Comic Books to Appease Muslims

Most us see that Dictator Obama, is on a nonstop mission to cater to Muslims. Now his outreach program has reached comical proportions, literally. This comic book series raises a few questions. 1.Will the Islamic superhero, behead the enemy? 2.If it is a female, will...