Fan Mail….

A few days ago I received the following email. I have decided to post it, and will be sending the link to the person who sent it to me. Lets see if he or she shows up, and how much they really know about Islam. Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 21:57:58 -0700 From: XXXXXXX...

Seattle Imam Calls for Muslims to Live by the Koran

I know this is no surprise to those who regularly follow this site, but once again we see that Islamic enemies reside within our great country. If Muslims are to live by the Koran, then they are to live a life that is not supported by American laws, or values. It is...

Oklahomans Ban Sharia From Being Used in Their Courts!

Picture by Bosch Fawstin. The great people of Oklahoma have followed in the footsteps of the people of Louisiana, and have banned Sharia from being used in their courts. The country is clearly is awakening to the internal threat of Islam, and I know this will be just...