Oklahoma: Hearing on Sharia Law ban set for Monday

Here we go guys, the show is about to start! Will pro-Sharia Muslims actually hurt their cause and show the country just how unconstitutional Islam is? I am hoping this lawsuit will further awaken America to the internal threat of Islam. Hearing set on international,...

Dallas: Muslim Students Look to Unite Against Israel

As each day passes, we see the threat of Islam in America growing more and more. From Islamic expansionism in downtown Manhattan, to Muslims suing the state of Oklahoma in favor of Islamic Law, to Muslim organizations in America teaching Muslims how to live by Islamic...

Obama: Islam has Been “Distorted”

Our Islam loving President who took it on the chin the other night in the elections, could not wait to get back to work to defend Islam. If we take a quick look back to approximately two weeks before the November 2Nd elections, he stated that opposing Mosques in...