by admin | Dec 19, 2011 | Uncategorized
Last November I wrote about the University of Michigan putting out a call for physicians to accommodate Islamic Law, and approximately 30 days later, John Benitez Jr, a male nurse in Michigan was fired for treating Muslim women. Of course, no matter how much Islam...
by admin | Dec 15, 2011 | Uncategorized
Obviously over the past few days most of you have read about the verbal war going on, over Lowes pulling their ads from the failure of a show “All-American Muslim”. Stepping into the fray is the useful idiot St. Senator of California Ted Lieu. Like his...
by admin | Dec 13, 2011 | Uncategorized
In this Logan’s Warning report, we will once again see the internal threat of Islam in America. We will once again see how Muslim kids are being indoctrinated to stand with Islam above all. This time young Muslims are being turned into slaves of Allah in winter...
by admin | Dec 9, 2011 | Uncategorized
As most of you know I rarely insult anyone here. But you have to be a complete idiot to threaten someone in writing. This comment was posted in the “Taliban” Gangsta Rapper Vinnie Paz Runs From a Debate on Islam…” thread. Apparently Patrick has a man-crush on...
by admin | Dec 9, 2011 | Uncategorized
Surfing YouTube tonight, I found a page entitled “jihadifanclub”. The owner of the account claims to be a 28 year-old Muslim living in America. The page is decorated with the Sharia Zone posters, Anjem Choudary and his crew have put up in the UK. So right...
by admin | Dec 8, 2011 | Uncategorized
It was taken in NYC. Good morning everyone! It is a picture of a woman in a full burqa sitting on the steps of a storefront next to a Mosque in NYC. The Mosque that owns her is the Masjid ar-Rahman, located at 15 W29Th St. Passing by I saw her and two other burqa-clad...
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