CAIR Applauding Minneapolis & Sharia on Facebook!

The Cancer on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), does not hide their agenda of turning the United States of America, into the United Sharia State of America. This insidious campaign has been going on nearly two decades now. Omar Ahmad Co-Founder of the Council on...

The Middle East has Come to NYC

Never in my entire life did I recall music being broadcast onto the streets of NY from a food cart. But over the last year or two, there have been plenty of firsts for me in the city. One was hearing the Islamic prayers being broadcast onto the streets from a West...

Actor Liam Neeson: I may Become a Muslim

Will actor Liam Neeson join the list of other celebrity traitors to the UK? Three others who have joined the ideology of the enemy are Abdul Raheem Green, Tony’s Blair’s sister-in-law Lauren Booth, and UK Soccer Star Marlon King. Liam Neeson: I may become...