The Islamic Prayer: Hatred in the Face of the Host!

Over and over many of us have seen infidels go out of their way to show respect for Islam. They do this in a belief that the gesture will be reciprocated. But that does not and will not happen, because when push comes to shove, Muslims stand with Islam above all. One...

Church Opens Door to CAIR!

Suicidal Christians are at it again! In a naive act of tolerance, they are opening their doors to the ideology of the enemy once again. To make matters worse they have even invited the insidious organization CAIR in! Did they do any research on CAIR at all? Omar Ahmad...

The Anti-Islam Campaign Locks Arms Across the Pond!

Finally after over a decade of speaking against the the threat of Islam, history has been made. As Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer of Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA), the EDL’s Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll, Stop the Islamisation of Europe’s...

NY Public School Hosting Muslim ONLY Basketball

Looking through Craigslist the other night I came across the following adverstisement. So in keeping with the sports theme of last night, I decided to post it. Try outs for a Muslim basketball league team Date: 2012-07-23, 2:14PM EDT Reply...