Author: admin

North American Infidels Debating Tactic #2: “We Respect Jesus”

In an effort to counter the 24/7 Muslim propaganda machine, North American Infidels (NAI) presents part II in our new Debating Tactics Series.

Two of the most prevalent talking points I see Muslims use are the “we respect Jesus”, and “Islam respects Jesus”. These are used in an attempt get non-Muslims to believe Islam is close to Christianity, while being non-hostile towards it.

Twitter: Muslim Calls for Gang Rape of a Hindu Woman!

Years ago I do not recall seeing Muslims making such brazen comments online. But today it seems like the norm. This morning we get to meet a sexual deviant named “Enlightened Muslim”.

Tweet of the Day: Roseanne Barr

Everyone once in a while we need a break from the never-ending war with Islam. So please do not let any disagreements you may have with her get in the way here. Because this is funny! (Click on image to…