Recently it seems that Europe is starting to fight back against the Islamic threat. But here is a reminder of just how bad things are there, and will get here, if we do not stand tall against Islam.
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Logan’s Dictionary
"Islamophobia": The fear of speaking out against the rapidly growing religion/ideology that is out to repress all who do not follow its doctrine.
Sir Winston Churchill
“Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step…”
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"The sword of Muhammad and the Quran are the most fatal enemies of civilization, liberty, and the truth which the world has yet known." - The eminent orientalist Sir William Muir (1819-1905)
Looks like to me that The Netherlands have been "hoist by their own petard" and need to clean house on their dumb-ass politicians just like we do here in the States. After they do that, the Army can march on the muz and kick their sorry asses out. That's certainly what I would do. Just round 'em up and head 'em out. If they don't want to go back….there's always the North Sea. Run 'em in like lemmings.
Looks as if it is too late, but not for America. Christians especially here must fight for what Western Judeo-Christian civilization we still have here and must regain ground already lost. The point that hits me in this video is that the leaders just did not value, did not care for what they had. They went for the immediate benefit for them – the oil and immigration deal, the sheltering of Islam when crimes are committed to avoid backlash against themselves. Selfish, shortsighted, and now where does Holland go?
What a lame video – you need to watch
Geert Wilder's Warning to the West Parts 1&2
How ironic, that the google ads running under the video offer a website in which to convert to Islam.
Jesus folks. This is getting bad.
The ads go by keywords, sorry about that.
Can anybody please do some translation for the three segments in Dutch. I really like to hear what they are saying.
And Alan, so you think that the vid is 'lame', do you offer one of your own making as a response, a big residing no is the answer, all you can do is reverence the great Geert Wilder. When you have the bottle to put your own views on film and let the world judge you then you have the right to criticise other film makers.
What is happening in EU is your fault. You brought ISLAM over with your libreal agenda, your poilticians are corrupted, The people of EU are cowrds. You won't dare to do anything because you are afriad. So you either clean your house first (get rid of your politicians) and do something about to preserve your customs. Or just take it and accept the "Islamic Republic of Europe"
Money is what the EU politicans desire. Give them money and they will turn into whores. It's time to revive and be awake.
The POPE is a coward himself!
The samething is happening here in America, it is just not as bad yet. Non-Islamic countries are in this toghether.
Now now no fighting, LainUK, I think Alan was being sarcastic, he did rate it a plus 1. This is no time for bickering. If we all don't get on board we are doomed. This is civilization we are trying to save. Any website that exposes Islam for what it is, is doing a great service. Spread the word Kaffirs..
You are correct sir. We need to fight this war, this dispicable enemy. However, one thing we should not do is use their words. We should not allow entry of their words into the American lexicon.
Infidel is an acceptable term as it originates from circa 1460, from the Middle French infidèle, and from Latin infidelis "unfaithful," this according to wikipedia which is a hotbed of Islamic propaganda activity and something a soldier in this serious and rightous war of ours can do: correct/challenge Islamic propaganda on wikipedia.
We should not use their disgusting words at all cost. If necessary, use the qualifier "Islamic" if there is need to show where the dispicable act/thing originates. For instance, an Islamic full body covering shroud that hides the identity of the female gender and limits her movement and social status, or, an Islamic head scarf, usually a government and religiously mandated apparell whose non use is met with corporal punishment and societal persecution. I highly encourage not only a qualifyer, but also an explanation. But we should not admit their words into our lexicon.
Anywho, just my two cents.
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Rose ·Said:
How ironic, that the google ads running under the video offer a website in which to convert to Islam.
Jesus folks. This is getting bad.
For some time now, "Fitna" and "Undercover mosques" bring up only islam retorts to them on YouTube, but not the flicks themselves. All the originals have been removed.
Google has had Undercover all in one piece all along, but only one of it.…
[i]psssttt .. .you know us Chris, just can't use that old nick anymore. Have not forgot you, never will, just been off on other "Exposure" projects [/i]
The more places that you spread the word, the better.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks. We always do. Say, I keep forgetting to compliment you. The new site is fantastic – Best one of all. Love the layout and pro look and feel … and content!
It took me awhile to get used the software here, but now I like it much better than the last one.
The really scary thing is, that people appear to base their opinions on information that is placed on the internet without any check on the validity of this information.
Furthermore, people use only that information that happens to stengthen their already present opinion. And although the USA government is much more driven by religion than the EU-countries, it is still scary that the answer to Islam by Christians appears to be "promote the surpremacy of christianity".
You think the Islam is aggressive – check back history and find out what horrors have been created by christians, yews and other religions. I truely believe that all religious institutes are to some amount dangerous (gaining much more influence than the individual democratic vote).
And I wonder in what catagory world-citizen I will be placed, based on this comment. An opinion is so easily given.
I see, you know for a fact that no one here checks the validity of the information. Thanks for setting us straight. Islam advancing across the West is not an opinion, it is a fact. Christians are not looking to impose a set of barbaric religious laws on the world, and talking about past history is just a cop out on dealing in today.
To be honest, your comment was nothing but a useless opinion.
On top of it, you are posting from the Netherlands. Do you have the guts to stand up against Islam dominating your country? Do you have the guts to stand up for life as you know it, for your family's future generations? Or will you sit, and talk about past history?
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