Here is another update to the “Dearborn Students Wear Shirts Glorifying 911”, story. In this one a student admitted that the shirts were made because they did not like the way Arab-Americans were being portrayed on the news after the attempted Christmas day attack on a US plane. Which of course was done by a Muslim. So these shirts were in support of Muslim terrorists and the eagle was taking down the towers. Like I said, these kids knew what they were doing from the get go.

Hat tip to Debbie Schlussel.

Students Apologize For Sweatshirts
Teens Not Suspended By School
January 6, 2010

DEARBORN, Mich. — A group of Arab-American students from Edsel Ford High School made a public apology Tuesday night, after they had sweatshirts made with an image of the 9/11 terror attack.

The juniors had the sweatshirts made over holiday break and wore them to school on Monday. The back of the sweatshirt featured a number 11 shaped like the World Trade Center Towers. The schools mascot, a thunderbird, appears to be heading for the towers. And underneath it all a tagline reads, “You can’t bring us down.”

“I was foolish to do it and I’m very sorry,” said Wadhah Almadhagi, one of the students behind the sweatshirts. “I can promise that as long as I’m in Edsel Ford I’ll do my best to ensure something like this, as foolish and naive as this, will never happen again.”

Another student told Local 4 the design was made out of frustration over some media portrayals of Arab-Americans in the wake of the Christmas day terror attack.

About 300 people packed a public meeting in Dearborn to discuss the incident. The meeting centered on opening up a dialogue about the student’s actions.

The school said the students would not face suspensions for wearing the shirts.

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