I was just going through my emails, and saw that I received an Islamic fan mail.
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 12:41:13 -0400
To: [email protected]
Thats cute. A whole website where you can bash on muslims and give a bad depiction of us. All Muslims put together dont have as much hate and intolerance in their heart as each one of you does individually. Nothing makes you better than us. Now i feel bad that i live my life exactly as you guys do. Losing my identity for what? To stand by while you give completely false opinions of us. Soldier of Islam? Try a student in America like anyone else. Watching 90210, eating mcdonalds, going to college, making friends in all ethnic groups, making mistakes, making positive changes in an environment, doing homework, getting on facebook, having healthy relationships. Stop being so close-minded. If i become a journalist i hope i never turn into what you guys have turned into. All you guys do is half-ass research, slander, lie, and offend people. You want to know what else we learn in Islamic History. Diversify, get along with other people in different religion, dont force your religion down others throats, keep peace, spread a positive image, do good deeds. Im a muslim, i learn islamic history, i am 18, ive never had a physical fight in my life, i never wanted to even hurt an enemy. Im as passive as it gets and i dont hate anyone. I am, however
, disgusted by your ignorance.
As you can see, it does not take much to get a Muslim to side with Islam over America. They just keep proving us correct. The following was my response:
Mohammad himself was a terrorist, pedophile, and rapist. He was the ultimate Muslim. You might want to ask the Coptics of Egypt and Christians of Nigeria about your third sentence. Islam also calls for the dominance over non-Muslims, while allowing slavery. Why would I be open-minded to those actions? Do you condemn Sharia Law? How about you come back and prove my “ignorance”? I am disgusted by the actions of Mohammad.
BTW: Western Civilization is far better than the brutality of lslamic Law.
Happy prayer day my friend!
It is inconceivable to me that one can be 18, muslim, living in America, and be totally unaware of the negative aspects of islam. He has never looked at videos? Never googled (damn i hate that word) “sharia” and then looked at the Image section to the left?
It is a positive that he found your site – perhaps he will learn a little if he can take the blinders off – otherwise his “journalist” future will land him in the muck we see constantly today – all spin.
Welcome Lady Raven!
He is aware. He’s just spouting the usual taqyyia to us infidels.
I’ve been noticing that a lot of arselifters in America are of the anmadi sect. They are apostates in pislam but pislam’s willing fifth columnists everywhere else.
They are the ones spouting takiya like “pislam is peace” and “love for all, hatred for none”. And they appear to be the worst of all arselifters.
Two words for this young man. Visit Britain.
Thats cute. A whole website where you can bash on muslims and give a bad depiction of us.
That’s the 1st Amendment, and as an American, I think it’s more sacred than your Allah or your false prophet.
Oh yes, the muslims are such lovely people. Since appearing in the west, we have all become all-too-familiar with gang rape, rioting muslims carrying placards like “Behead Those Who Insult Islam”.
Then, In the islamic countries, there are the daily slaughters of Christians and Jews, the acid-throwing on women who don’t want to marry their first cousin or, of course, the sixty year old geezer who wants to marry them. Of course there is also the ‘thighing’ of babies, the sodomising of little boys, FGM, Boko Harram, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah. And my favourite, the villification of Jews on college campuses nationwide.
You’re damn straight I loathe islam. And as a practioner of islam, I loathe anyone who is an adherant of this sick, supremecy death cult. Maybe the writer was telling the truth. If that was the case (which I doubt) then he knows nothing about islam. We are all onto you! We know what is happening in our country insofar as islam goes and will never remain mute about it.
Muslims agitate for sharia law constantly and the ground zero mosque is too disgusting for words; did the Japanese want to build a Shinto Shrine at Pear Harbour after the war? Muslims make me sick – and can be extremely hazardous to your health. Need anymore reasons why sites like this one exist, muslims?
…And it doesn’t surprise me that you mentioned journalism; the wet dream of plenty of muslims.
Getting to spew taqiyya on the all-too-willing MSM is a great way to spread the lies you love to tell about how you are ‘just like everyone else’. (While biding your time until there are enough muslims to begin killing Americans en masse.
Funny, I don’t know about any other ‘religion’ (islam shelters under religion but is NOT A RELIGION) in the world that wants to impose itself ON THE WORLD and subjugate or kill anyone not willing to convert to ‘allah’. I abhor muslims, and I don’t give a damn how politically incorrect that is!
Its a fact that Muslims for the most part are trapped in a time warp and brainwashed to zombies. But its probably not a sound idea to engage these people in arguments. You cannot wake up somebody feigning sleep. My feeling is that it is more imperative to expose the Islamic creed and the reason why these barbarians act the way they do. Maybe we should arrange more and more public readings of the Quran and the Hadiths. Theres nothing they can do about it I guess if we do. The public at large are ignorant of the real nature of Islam and would like to dwell in their makebelieve world where islam is the poor discriminated vilified religion. Its time all freedomloving people put their heads together and devised strategies to counter the menace.
“Maybe we should arrange more and more public readings of the Quran and the Hadiths.” Good idea. It will reveal that islam is an ideology like fascism or national socialism, masquerading as a religion.
Absolutely amazes me when Muslims use this type of schtick in an attempt to negate what the entire world knows about Islam.
What a joke. Yes, people are merely bashing Islam because there is nothing else to do and we love making up stories about something that doesn’t exist.
The reality is that if allowed, Islam WOULD take over the world and institute Sharia law wherever and whenever.
Islam must be stopped from its constant encroachment. I will NOT submit.
You want to know what else we learn in Islamic History. Diversify, get along with other people in different religion, dont force your religion down others throats, keep peace, spread a positive image, do good deeds. Im a muslim, i learn islamic history, i am 18, ive never had a physical fight in my life, i never wanted to even hurt an enemy.”
This is rich. Ask Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani and Asia Bebe about this, see what they have to say. Nothing like the peaceful, don’t shove it down your throat, religion of islam.
Allah U Hater
Mohammad – Allah’s little toady
I find it odd any muslim is offended by the actions of those of us who are on the receiving end of their activities, those of us who are lied to at every breath, and those of us who refuse to succumb to muslims and their own HATE, the Hate of Jews, and Christians, if any had sense they would know God….not Allah will prevail, Israel will never again fall into the hands of Islam, and should those stupid enough to think so…will wake up radio Active one day…..
Dear student in America like anyone else,
So, you are watching 90210, eating mcdonalds, going to college, making friends in all ethnic groups, making mistakes, making positive changes in an environment, doing homework, getting on Facebook, having healthy relationships.
How nice, you sound like a nice person! Only problem is nice people are BAD Muslims !!! Yes, that’s right nice people are “bad” Muslims.
I don’t say this, it’s the Koran that defines good and bad Muslims for us. It says a good Muslim is a Jihadist, a man who leaves his home, sacrificing his wealth and life, fighting in Allah’s cause.
Bad Muslims, on the other hand, are peaceful. Allah calls them “hypocrites” because they are unwilling to fight. He even says that peaceful Muslims are “the most vile of creatures” and that hell’s hottest fires await them. So, if you are a peace-loving Muslim, your god hates you.
Now that’s cute, your Allah calls you a hypocrite, but maybe there is hope for you.
If you are really studying Islamic history, maybe you will free yourself from Islam. As a bad Muslim you will get to know the truth.
The truth that Mohammad was the most evil man who ever lived. That Allah is the most demonic god ever conceived. That the Koran is the nastiest book ever written. And that Islam is the most hateful and violent fraud ever perpetrated on mankind.
Someone mentioned the banners carried by Muslims. My favourite is ‘Behead those who Say Islam is Violent’.
I had to read your favourite banner a few times before I could see the total lunacy and ox’ymoran of that Muslim with that placard. MORAN IS RIGHT.
Jaeger, I think it’s hilarious and the people who wave this banner in London think they can take over Parliament and Buckingham Palace and are capable of running the country. LOL.