Hat tip to Pamela.
3rd Annual DC Muslim Interns Day on Capitol Hill
Friday, June 25 2010, 10:30am – 3:00pmCongressional Muslim Staffers Association; Community Outreach Engagement Series; 3rd Annual DC Muslim Interns Day on Capitol Hill! This will be an excellent opportunity to engage Muslim American professionals from Congress and to network with other interns and fellows from DC’s leading advocacy organizations, government agencies, media outlets, and think tanks. You are Invited to This Day of Informative Activities: Greetings from Members of Congress, Congressional Staffers Briefing, Capitol Hill Jummah Prayer, Career Informational Fair, and U.S. Capitol tour. Limited Space Available! RSVP by June 23rd! RSVP to [email protected] Including your full name and organization. www.CongressionalMuslims.org
Location: U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C.
Contact: Questions? Contact the CMSA at [email protected]
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