For years I have been saying Islam cannot be protected as a religion and defeated at the same time. Which means Muslims cannot be treated as equals if we want to actually win the war with Islam. While on the other hand so-called experts like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, and the Founder of the Middle East Forum, Daniel Pipes, all fight for Islam to retain its golden shield of religious status. In other words equality for all.
Unfortunately history shows us that respecting Islam as a religion and granting Muslims equality is a 1400 year-old proven cultural suicide. As there are currently 195 countries on the planet. 50 of them Muslim majority. Obviously that didn’t happen overnight. Considering the fact that Muslims have mastered how to use the freedoms of non-Islamic countries against those countries in order to change them to suit Islam, and that Islam calls for the dominance over non-Muslims whether we like it or not why would they stop there?

Which brings us to the UK’s Muslim propagandist Ali Dawah who has a YouTube following over 1 million. Let’s watch him squirm in this YouTube short as recognizes the fact that others besides me have realized how Muslims are using the freedoms of the West against the West.
The problem is that Muslims like you endlessly attempt to mislead non-Muslims into accepting Islam. That’s the problem Ali. And I have no problem coming out and the saying the following. Islam needs to be oppressed. Which is why although I don’t care for the CCP, I do stand with the way they handle Islam within their borders though.
I also stand with the Netherlands Great Geert Wilders who has also realized the following.

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