Obviously the main focus of today will be Super Bowl LIX for 10’s of millions of Americans. So the plan was to take the day off, but once I saw the opportunity to be a messenger of good news against Islam I just had to get the word out!
‘Not gonna apologize,’ Palm Bay councilman says Islam doesn’t belong in the US, doubles down at city meeting
Chandler Langevin wrote the post on X last month

To add to the Councilman’s bold statement he mentioned some much needed knowledge on the issue that I will gladly confirm for him.
Langevin was replying to a tweet from State Sen. Randy Fine (R-Brevard County).
“Exactly. We have similar concerns as I have no issues saying that Islam exists for the sole purpose of conquering Christendom and ending the Jewish people as well and they do not belong in this great nation,” he wrote.
Islam certainly is a conquering ideology. Which I now will prove from the Koran and Sahih Ahadith. (Authentic words and deeds of Mohammad.)

He then doubled down on his comments writing, “I said what I said.”
Those who Langevin upset had their chance to address him at Thursday night’s city council meeting.
Mayor Rob Medina then commented on the city’s diverse population.
“There’s a huge responsibility as we serve 140,000 people to be respectful, to be mindful of how your words can lift families up or tear down and divide us,” the mayor said.
Well Mayor, according to the following source there are nearly 200 Mosques in Florida.

What the Mayor doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to admit is that when Muslims pray they degrade Jews and Christians. What he doesn’t know or avoids is that Islam itself disrespects non-Muslims.
Koran 8:55

Koran 7:179

And the third example of disrespect against non-Muslims from the Koran. (Although there are plenty more.)
Koran 9:30

Yes! You read that correct. The verse states that Allah should destroy Jews and Christians. Which obviously makes up most of America.
So I have to ask. Why should non-Muslims respect what doesn’t respect them? What happened to respect is supposed to be a two-way street?
Mayor Medina can be reached here. Please be respectful.
The truth is it’s own defense. Sadly, of course that does not mean it will not be attacked and where possible suppressed. That also does not mean that it does not take great courage to tell the truth especially when that truth conflicts with the narrative put forth by evil men. Well said Councilman. God Bless
Thanks for dropping by Roy.
Handel Mohammedans with “Kid Gloves”? Why? We put violent antisocial criminals in locked colonies (Prisons & Jails) so we can control those who can not or simply will not control themselves. We even call them criminals or Inmates, or some other prefix to point out that they are not fit for normal society yet. The Mohammedans Mosque is not a Church like the Christians have, or a Synagogue like the Jews have. It is a Citadel. A Citadel is a combination center of life for one government composed of the culture through Religion and War. The Citadels principal purpose is as a Military Garrison and that defines the Mosque as well as any of its other functions do (a culture of religion and war they abbreviate as jihad). If any non-moslem wants to survive that culture, they first must recognize it and fear not to tell people around you who are (like you) threatened by it. Just listen to anything any Moslem has said for the last 1,325 + years. Do you think they are lying to you about their intentions?