IslamoPUNK Anjem Choudary clearly lays out the plan to implement Sharia on the UK. The enemy is inside the gates. Why is the government of the UK doing nothing about this threat? It is time to ban Sharia Law, and charge those who call for it with treason!
Month: July 2011
My Phone Consversation With Islam Promoting Reverend Rasicci
This afternoon I put in a call to Reverend Michael D. Rasicci of the Calvary Episcopal Church. This is the Reverend who I wrote about the other day. He allows Muslims to have a Mosque in the Church basement.
The conversation went like this.
Challenge Target: Progressive Radio News Hour’s Stephen Lendman
In the past I have challenged Islamic apologist’s such as Alan Colmes, Harvard’s Dr. Cesari, and Professor Juan Cole to debate me on Islam. Usually they do not have the courage to show up, or they quickly run away as Juan Cole did. Late last night I saw an Islam loving article written by Progressive Radio New Hour’s Stephen Lendman. He is tonight’s Challenge Target!
Illinois: Muslim Leader Calls for Sharia to the Chants of “Allahu Akbar”!! ~ Video
Just two days ago Muslims in the UK stated they will soon be enforcing Sharia in several sections of country. If you think Muslims in America are different and do not want Sharia, please take a look at this video from Hizb ut-Tahrir America’s, June 26Th Khilafah Conference 2011.
Egyptian and Yemeni Islamic Leaders Call for Sharia in front of Massive Crowds! ~ Video
Here is another video from the July 3rd Hizb ut-Tahrir Conference which took place in Australia. The video is about the recent Muslim uprisings in the Middle East, and how they will lead to a Sharia ruled Middle East. Whether non-Muslims like it or not.
LAPD to Hold Forum in Islamic Center Linked to Jihad Sermons of Imam Ali!
The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), which recently took to Capitol Hill to fight the anti-Sharia legislation that is being introduced across the country, is now exploiting another one of our freedoms. The freedoms empowered by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. As MPAC is encouraging the slaves to Allah to join the LAPD, and in a recent email they have provided a direct link to apply. Of course the more Muslims that work there, the more influence Islam will have in the department’s policies. We wouldn’t want the police offending “Muslim sensitivities”!
UK: Sharia Police Getting Ready to Enforce the LAW!
Just last week I posted an article entitled: “UK: Muslims Call for 3 Towns to be Placed Under Sharia!!”. Today we learn more details of the UK’s Sharia movement. A movement that will most likely bring civil war to the streets of the UK.
Reverend who Allows Mosque in Church’s Basement Responds to Logan’s Warning!
As most of you know I am not religious, but one of my goals is to unite members of all other religions and Atheists against Islam. Christians are the majority in America and we will need a loud voice from them to win this war. There are numerous articles on this site about Islam cuddling Churches, and yesterday an Islam supporting Reverend left this us the following comment:
Hannity Guest Mike Ghouse Responds to Logan’s Warning with ANOTHER IslamoCON!
On July 4Th I posted the following article: “My Challenge to Frequent Sean Hannity Guest Mike Ghouse”. On July 6Th Ghouse left the following comment.
IslamoPUNK Anjem Choudary’s 7/7 Message: Remove the Troops or Else….Video!
On the 6Th anniversary of the London Islamic terrorist attacks, IslamoPUNK Anjem Choudary has stated there will be more 7/7’s and 911’s, if the troops are not removed from Islamic countries. Anjem implies there will be peace if they are removed. What Anjem fails to mention is that Islam calls for perpetual war.