No matter how much Islam becomes more entrenched & expands within communities in America, there is a larger group of non-Muslims who are either uninformed on the issue or choose to disbelieve Islam’s serious threat to our liberties. Either way, their actions (as inaction IS an action!) are detrimental to our future generations. Whatever happened to our collective backbone?! This latest news comes from The Garden State of New Jersey:

NJ faith group to highlight Muslim contributions

JERSEY CITY, N.J. — A New Jersey interfaith coalition is holding its own hearings on Muslims in America — in order to highlight their contributions.

The Hudson County Brotherhood/Sisterhood Association says it wants to show that Muslims in America are a diverse group who make important contributions to the country.

They’re inviting Muslims from a cross-section of society to speak and answer questions Monday before a group of four panel members from the interfaith community. The event will be held at St. Peter’s College in Jersey City.

Organizers say they want to emphasize that Muslims are an integral part of mainstream American society.

The session comes just weeks after New York Rep. Peter King led hearings to examine what he called the “radicalization of the American Muslim community” sparked protests.

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I didn’t know that the mainstream American society wanted to live under Sharia Law! Did you?! Thanks for the informative “education”…

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