Islam watcher, intelligence analyst and writer Christopher Logan agrees, saying the persecution has deep roots.
“The Coptic Christians of Egypt have been persecuted under Islamic rule for centuries. Muslims invaded and took over what used to be Christian land back in the 7th Century,” Logan observed.
The rest can be viewed on World Net Daily by clicking HERE.
Thanks to Michael and World Net Daily for the opportunity.
Obama is a Muslim,a very radical Muslim. It gets worse. Obama has usurped the Presidency:
Congrats Chris! As usual good job!!
Why don’t you go into your the Christians are not persecuted in Egypt talk now? Do you know more about Islam than Al-Azhar? Do you have more authority than they do?
I am not religious, and I never asked you to convert to Christianity.
Well dont know about that but given the fact that i walk the streets of Egypt everyday I certainly know how Islam goes more than you do ! 😀 and im pretty certain that Christians are not persecuted in Egypt Read my comment on the EGYPTIAN SOCCER TEAM ARTICLE
Yet you have not been able to prove even one of my statements about Islam to be false. Now you saying you are “pretty certain”. You don’t sound so positive, and you are posting from America. So how do you walk the streets of Egypt everyday?
@ Mohamed – Are you sleeping while you are walking?????