Unfortunately most non-Muslims do not understand the war that is being waged upon us. Muslims cannot defeat us militarily, so their plan is to slowly takeover from within, by using our freedoms against us. Using the freedom of immigration, by exploiting the weakness created by the politically correct disease, and by exploiting the huge mistake of granting Islam religion status.
Today we see another example of this being true, as Islam is one the move in Dayton Ohio.
The origins of Islam in Dayton date back to 1933 and the Ahmadiyya movement. The group’s first mosque, completed in 1965, was built at 633 Randolph St.
Another Muslim group, Nation of Islam, dates back to 1965 and met at 1517 W. Fifth St. in a house called Muhammad’s Mosque No. 19.
Today, four Sunni mosques are thriving in the Greater Dayton area: the Dayton Mercy Society/Islamic Center, 2277 Maue Road in Miamisburg, the Islamic Society of Greater Dayton at 26 Josie St. in Dayton’s Oregon District, the Masjid-At-Taqwa mosque at 710 N. Broadway St., and Al-Islam, 3958 Salem Ave., is located above Abdul’s African Arts.
Within the law Islam is advancing across America. So we only have two options, option one being we change some laws, like ending Muslim immigration. Or option two, the one where we let Islam end up dominating our country in the name of freedom of religion. Which option do you support?
And all the dhimmi enablers aren’t helping either!
Option number 1. Outlaw Islam!!
Im all for changing some laws..Ban Islam in America and ban immigration of muslims . No more mosques as they are not a house of worship but of death.
One of the problems with your questions is that we in America always approach issues with the idea that there are more than one ways to solve a problem.
This might not be so bad in general, however, when it comes to defending ourselves from the likes of Islam what is needed is a complete and direct approach.
First, there is a great need to identify Islam and its symbols and source of “power”.
Second, we need to indentify Islam’s MO. It’s method of opperation.
Thirdly, we need to look back to that which guides and identifies our “American culture”
Lastly, we need to prohibit in certain plain and derect ways the things that feed and strengthen the enemy.
American seems to take this approach with anything Nazi and persues the prosecution and disbanding of any group that atempts to grow past a certain level of existence beyond the mere preaching of hate speach.
I long for the days when people will boldly stand and inspite of fear will defend the American Republic as identified in the USC.
For years America has been a place of refuge to any belief system as long as they do not present a threat to the USA’s Judeo/Christian founding principles. It is now confronted by a great evil embodied in what is called Islam. Islam should be treated as a whole just like the Nazi problem of old and held in check by many prohibitions. I believe France is trying this approach, but perhaps they waited to long. Like the frog in the pan, they watched and waited until Islam became too inbedded in France’s ultra liberal society and now they are in danger of losing all national identities of the past as a Freedom loving nation.
We have been and continue to be warned by European nations,that Islam must be nipped in the butt before we once again have to engage in violent extractions of this cancer like parasite, within our society.
No nation however, can expect to survive as long as the threat to its existence is not recognized for what it is. May G-d help us all accept and act on the reality that America’s existence is in jeoperdy and cannot coexist with Islam.
Hello Reverend,
Welcome to the site, thanks for the great post. All we had to do is looks towards Europe, to see what was coming our way. Now the problem is on our shores.
Wow you guys I’ve seen a lot of hate against islamists but not to this level! Oh and reverend Homer you just made me love my religion(islam) even more!:D I mean as a reverend and a holy person who people should look up to, here you are talking against muslims and islam and how to stop and ban them?! Our imams and in Islam we would NEVER talk badly about any other religion and how we should ban them. And as for the “arab” terrorists,if you really are an american I think you should know better than that they are a small minority and FYI in islam terrorism is banned and terrorists would never be considered muslims and God would never forgive them.
Imams talk violence and terror all the time. I’m sure not every single one does, but there are many who do.
The qur’an and the hadith not only condone but command violence and terrorism. As a Preacher, as a Born again Christian I do NOT hate Muslims. I do however hate Islam and the False Prophet Muhammed.
I Pray you will find Jesus Christ and leave the EVIL CULT of Islam!
1. Why don’t you explain what I should like about “Islamists”?
2. Do you love the fact that your so called religion allows the rape of non-Muslim women?
3. Muslims across the world speak badly of other religions, and Mohammad was no better.
Muslim Hadith Book 019, Number 4366:
It has been narrated by ‘Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.
5. Islam allows terrorism, as per Koran verse 3:151, and Mohammad was a self-professed terrorist.
Bukhari Hadith Volume 4, Book 52, Number 220:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah’s Apostle said, “I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.” Abu Huraira added: Allah’s Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures (i.e. the Prophet did not benefit by them).
I suggest you educate yourself on Islam. Have a good day.
the rape of non muslim women lets face facts here now when wars are fought there is what is called booty and this has always included women, throughout history and even today what do u think is happening to the iraqi, afghanistan, women and the list goes on they are raped and prostituted to us soldiers now these occuping invaders only cause corruption in the land death and destruction and plundering of the nations resources and what about the people well they would love to make them exactly like the us populus a sheep like mass of consumers whose main purpose is to keep the 1 percent in their place and have fun.now lets look at the early muslims and the nonmuslim women these women are inherited as i discussed as war booty not as prostitutes or raped and disgraced as the us and europeans has done to the people they overpowered ie look how the europeans ie descendents of romans dealt with the african women during slavery this is not how a muslim soldier who believes in his creator treats another human if she is a jew or a christian they are allowed to practice the religion but the knowledgeable muslim soldier would show her with wisdom the beauty of islam in his treatment of her and what she observes of his devotion and good character as well as the rational of one creator one path to the creator which is total submisssion to the will of the creator(islam)pretty soon just like the army of men were conquered the women submit willingly to the truth now she doesent dress imodestly she doesnt fornicate or drink alcohol becomes a devout worshipper of the one true god who created jesus and everyone everything else the only one she will return to after death the one who will punish and reward the one who jesus fell on his face to in the garden of gethsamane in the bible this is islam the way that is superior to any other way.for this u blame us woe to u
Yes, lets face facts. I condemn all rape, and it is ILLEGAL under my laws. While it is legal to rape POWS under Islam. You say nothing…
America was a war with Germany and Japan, we did not take what was theirs. Under Islam it would have been legal to do so. You say nothing..
I want to end the nation building plan, but outside of Israel, Muslims are occupying the ME. You say nothing…
I condemn all slavery. Islam still allows it. You say nothing…
You are a fraud.
You know alot of these mosques could be stopped all you really have to do is film someone burying a pig in the ground of a planned mosque and they will abandon it because once the ground has been “polluted” with swine then it can never be “hallowed” to them. Send the film to a local news group or to the planners of the mosque itself and let the good times roll.
You don’t really need to bury a whole pig. Just some pig’s blood spread about the place or leave a pig’s head there.
I am raising pigs lol
Really? LOL!
Say, can your pigs be handled on a leash like a dog? I’ve seen this with truffle pigs in France.
If so, walk them around near a moske, perhaps with a black dog with a white patch over one eye.
I’m sure the arselifters will love you! 🙂
Wouldn’t it be just hilarious to let in several packs of dogs and pigs into the mosque while the arselifters are busy lifting their arses on a friday prayer?
We need a National Naked Women Pig Walking Club…..they could do laps around the mosques….
Maybe the Moose-limbs would melt like the Wicked Witch when she got wet.
Someone sent me a fake letter from the Dept of Homeland Defense stating that in order to flush the jihadists out of our communities, they were asking all American women to walk around their neighborhood naked since muslims have to kill themselves if they see a naked woman. They asked that we prove our patriotism that way, and that all American men prove THEIR patriotism by sitting in their front yards with cans of beer and watching ….. hilarious!!!
Salamo Alikom , My name is Ahmed Sharkas.26 years> I am from Egypt I have study Islam for more than 7 years and I have memorized all of the Quran. , I have many Certificates in the Quran and the 10 reading of Alquran. , I have more than 20 different Certificates (igazat ) in Quran, in all the 10 reading from different sheekhs, 5 Igazat, hdeath, and books of alfiqah and others I studied in Alzahar in AlQra’at Institute and i earned many certificates from ahlu sunna books. I have taken courses in foreign languages. I can speak English advance ,Russian intermediate. , I can do everything in the da3wa ,teach Qur’an, arbic, , hadith. I can also , give speeches in Arabic and English. I have worked with Imam for more than 2 years in the Masjeds, I can make debates with other religions and I studied different religions for 3 years,. It is my dream and hope to go and make da3wa for the western. , I don’t care about the money, all i care about is saving people from hell. If you need me or there is job there for me, message me please. May Allah Accept from us. Amin
السلام عليكم ,أنا أخيكم الشيخ أحمد إبراهيم عباس شركس من مصر .
الاجازات والشهادات:خاتم القرآن حفظا وتجويدا وإقراءاًوحاصل علي إجازات في قراءة عاصم .و إجازات عدة في القراءات العشر وإجازات وأسانيد في كتب السنة والحديث والفقه.من علماء أهل السنة. وحاصل على إجازات من معهد القراءات الازهر الشريف ووإجازة وعظ وإرشاد من الجميعة الشرعية لمدة أربع سنوات.ودرست الانجلزية وصلت لمستوي ما بعد المتقدم.والروسية المرحلة المعتدلة والاسبانية المرحلة المبتدئة. بالإضافة الي الدراسة المستفيضة في مقارنة الاديان والمسيحية باللغة العربية والانجيلزية .
الخبرات السابقة:عملت مدرسا للقرآن لسنتين في المعاهد الخاصة ,وتعليم الشريعة واللغة العربية لغير الناطفين بالعربية بالمعاهد الخاصة بمصر ,وعملت اماما في المساجد لمدة ستنان وخطيب وإمام تابع للجمعية الشرعية بمصر والمساجد الخاصة وعملت عضوا في جمعية تبليغ الاسلام وجميعة أهلا. ولي بعض المؤلفات في علم القرءات والتجويد وبعض مواد الشريعة .
المطلوب :
كنت أسعي لطلب وظيفة في أي من مجال الدعوة في بلاد الغرب .وكان هدفي نشر الاسلام في بلاد الغرب و نشر الاسلام وتعاليمه ولهداية العباد من عبادة العباد, لعبادة رب العباد ولإنقاذ الناس من النار.وجزاكم الله خيرا ونفع الله بكم وجعلكم زخرا ونبراسا للدعوة
[email protected]
name in facebook : Ahmed jarkas
phone : +2001147451922
Egypt- Cairo
[email protected]
You mean you can try and con non-Muslims into believing Islam is no threat to them. Did you actually read through this site?