The legal invasion of Islam continues across America. There are two Mosques proposed to be built near Ground Zero, an Islamic Center in New Jersey is doing a massive expansion, and a Mosque recently received approval in Wisconsin. Those are besides the going battles against proposed Mosques in Brooklyn, Chicago, and Tennessee. Now we learn that Kentucky has been drawn into the battle. Muslims are feasting on our freedoms, and if the rules do not change, we will eventually lose this war. We cannot allow Islam to takeover, in the name of freedom of religion.
Hat tip to Allyson.

Mosque Controversy in Florence, Kentucky
New York City isn’t the only place in the country where building a mosque has raised concerns.

City officials in Florence say they have received about a dozen calls relating to plans to build a worship center on a five and a half acre site in the northern Kentucky city.

Fliers are also being circulated concerning the planned mosque.

The material includes a newspaper article about the plans, and it encourages residents to take action against the mosque.

The land was bought two years ago, and a construction firm was hired the build the facility in April.

Link to Article

Besides the opposition to the Mosque, Muslims are also putting out a request for donations.

There is also a request for donations to assist with construction of the mosque on the Islamic Center of Northern Kentucky website.

The open letter cites the need for a larger and more permanent place for the area’s growing Muslim population to worship.

“We are asking you to aid us monetarily and give generously in the way of Allah to help build the first mosque in Northern Kentucky. Florence Muslim Community is in dire need of such a place. With its ever-growing community, there is great need for both old and young to congregate together and have a place to belong, a place close to Allah, a place that brings one closer to Allah.”

We are clearly under a lawful wave of attacks by Islam, and non-Muslims should not give them a dime.

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