Here are just three quick examples of how Muslims, use the freedoms against the West to advance Islam. This aspect of their attack, is why we are losing this war.
1. Recently Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick met with 1,100 Muslims at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, and Mosque in Roxbury. He said yes to all seven of their demands.
2. After a Wisconsin Mosque was unanimously approved, a Muslim stated that the US Constitution won. In other words, he is saying that they used our freedom of religion against us. A good reporter would of asked the Muslim, if he wanted Sharia Law to replace our Constitution. He was not a good reporter though.
3. Here is a comment left on this site from a Muslim in the UK, in which he admits how they do it.
And roll over you will eventually it’s just going to be very slow and painful.
Europe did not roll over just like that it’s all the mind games we used (manipulation). In the same way we will use your so called democracy and turn things around. We will beat you from within without having to use any weapons just mind power.
It is time we wake up, and realize that what we are doing is not working. Rules need to change. The first being getting off of Muslim oil. The second being that we need to end all Muslim immigration, and thirdly we must officially ban Sharia Law. Then arrest and deport if possible, all Sharia loving Muslims. They are to be looked upon as enemies of the state. Just like Nazis were.
I know it's difficult for Americans to believe in such evil behavior, but they need wake up before it's too late! In many ways it's already too late. We need replace our entire congress!
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Money talks, doesn't it? They don't even stop to consider where the money is coming from. Just pure lame. I cannot wait until 'We The People" get back in charge.
Besides that, they apparently have no concern for their families future generations, being forced to live under Islamic rule.
That’s why its called is-lame.
This is a great blog – if our government had any sense they would deport all Muslims and strip them of their citizenship. This should go double for white, American-born converts.
Thanks and welcome to the site!
Once the oil gone and they will no longer have this bargaining chip to bring to the table, how much influence do you think these states and countries like Saudi Arabia that fund and support committees, panels, activities, organisations and 5th columnist will have? At the moment they have a huge amount of leverage and far too many dhimmified followers tying to appease and cash in on the money thrown around.
So in a way it's a race. Either the oil runs out or the muslim agenda comes to a conclusion, one way or another.
They fear the oil being gone which is why they are being more aggressive.
Once the oil gone and they will no longer have this bargaining chip to bring to the table, how much influence do you think these states and countries like Saudi Arabia that fund and support committees, panels, activities, organisations and 5th columnist will have? At the moment they have a huge amount of leverage and far too many dhimmified followers tying to appease and cash in on the money thrown around.
hmmm … so freedom of religion for everybody – except Muslims.
Jews – no problem, Pagans like myself -questionable but still acceptable, Heck, in the UK it is officially OK to be a Jedi, but Muslims must run along and hide away or bad things will happen to them.
So when the Mass Gov, or any political figure, meets with Islamic priests – it's caving in to terrorism. When they meet with the Christian Religious Right who want to curtail freedoms and rights for segments of the American population (homosexuals, Non-Christians) its just good politicians upholding fine moral standards.
The funniest part is that this site doesn't even recognize that it is a mirror image of the ones it purportedly hates. An Anti-Al Jahzeera if you will. The message of hate and distrust and call for violence is the same – just the target is different.
Religious freedom yes. But islam is not a religion, it is a political system which includes religious domination as well as other vile ideologies.
If you were truly for freedom of religion, you would not be taking a stand for Islam. I never said that the Governor is caving to terrorism. But your commment shows how uninformed, you are on the subject. Violent Muslims are the least of the problem, the political aspect of Islam is an even bigger threat.
The funniest part is that I am not looking to impose religious laws, on anyone. Using your “logic”, the Jews were the bad guys for speaking against Nazism.
Speaking of homosexuals, Islamic Law calls for the death of them. Yet here you are supporting Islam.
its good to know people all over the world are waking up, and opening their eyes about this cancer that is trying to spread acros the globe!
if there are people who still think this is an exageration, go to europe for a visit !
i am so glad that i am in a country now where i havent seen a headscarve for over one year ( lets hope it stays that way )
Once the oil gone and they will no longer have this bargaining chip to bring to the table, how much influence do you think these states and countries like Saudi Arabia that fund and support committees, panels, activities, organisations and 5th columnist will have? At the moment they have a huge amount of leverage and far too many dhimmified followers tying to appease and cash in on the money thrown around.
So in a way it's a race. Either the oil runs out or the muslim agenda comes to conclusion, one way or another.
Once the oil gone and they will no longer have this bargaining chip to bring to the table, how much influence do you think these states and countries like Saudi Arabia that fund and support committees, panels, activities, organisations and 5th columnist will have? At the moment they have a huge amount of leverage and far too many dhimmified followers tying to appease and cash in on the money thrown around.
So in a way it's a race. Either the oil runs out or the muslim agenda comes to conclusion, one way or another.
The time to ban ALL islamic immigartion is long past. Deportation
of all here must be started and it can by neutralizing the gov't this
November. The muslim in the White House should be the first to
go, post haste and all his friends right with him.
Islam is a monster like the world has never seen. It masquerades as a religion so it is able to use our freedom and claim that the government should not interfere. "Separation of church and state" always meant the government should stay out of religion, not the other way around. And of all people, Moslems have grasped that truth better than Christians in America. Islam has governments, banks, businesses, media in it's pocket, while Christians no longer have much influence at all. And the demon of Islam is smiling because the world is deceived into thinking it a mostly peaceful freedom loving crowd. Why are their death threats and propaganda so successfully twisting the truth?
Muslims are the masters of propaganda.
Well than aint that something cute "roll over" when I Finnish my service In Israel will return to the states. I will join the marines to protect my Native land I will roll hard on Terror and fascists
Thanks for sharing that Eli, you are the real deal.
Stay safe!
Political correctness is an enabler of the stealth jihad.
But what helps to perpetuate the political correctness in America?
Ans: Trial Lawyers have become the greatest tool of Islamists and groups like CAIR in this nation. Trial have become the enablers of Islams efforts to slowly bring America into sharia compliance.
I am sorry
,but i am a muslim and i feel lucky for that.
When a war was imposed on Prophet of Allah he prayed to god , to help him from not destroying the green branches of the tree even .
It is haram (extremely prohibited) on muslims to kill 1-Women 2-children 3-old people 4-unarmed man .
I pray that the conspiracy theories are right and muslims didnot do 911 , and if any one is involved then this aint islam at all .
because muslim doesnot do what is being shown .he doesnt fights with the weak he fights for him
You know hardest thing is today ,its to be a proud muslim and i am that because i know what islam really is ,not at all what they show
its sad to see america damaging itself and us with this fight .I dont get a single logical explanation out of this
Either you do not know much about Islam, or you are intentionally trying to misinform us.
Muslims are allowed to kill women and children in night raids.
Book 019, Number 4321:
It is reported on the authority of Sa’b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them.
Muslims are also allowed to kill someone for spreading “mischief” in the last. “Mischief” can be anything a Muslim says it is.
YUSUFALI: On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
The problems with Islam and America, go way beyond 911. Muslims keep pushing, and pushing. The politial aspect of Islam, is an even bigger threat than potential suicide bombers. We will not be silenced!
Conspiracy theory? Peaceful have you read your doctrine? Are you crazy? We fought hard to be free from Europe and be a Christian nation. Now politicians are trying to make us like Europe and deny our Christian roots. 911 was a jihad war. Islamic groups killed missionary doctors trying to save lives! They can lie to ‘infidels’ and kill us if we do not bow down to their false god.
Deportation is required so they do not own us. Say no to mosques around the 911 sites! That would just be a victory in their eyes.
God Bless and Save America!
Hi Molly,
If we do not end Muslim immigration, it is just a matter of time until they takeover. As they will not stop pushing.
Yeah, I’m sorry you’re an arselifter too. 8)
People must simply target Islam with truth.
Zakat, their charitable giving, must provide one-eighth to military giving. Taqiyya and Kithman are concepts that not only advocate, but in some cases demand, lying to further their faith. Christians may be losing power, but the truth never fails. Read your Bibles, people.
Truth spoken.
There are 58 countries where they can reside. I suggest that they move to those countries and bring their “peace” to them. Our American religion is still Christianity even though its form has changed from its inception.
yes Sharia law and all its ideology needs to be out of America now! ASAP. all its honor killings, wife beatings, lies and misconception of the ideal way of life is crap!
Americans will stand up and fight for our country! Fight for our Freedom of religion and free speech! These Islamic Sharia lovers will be over thrown. America! God Bless America! not allah.
Muslims need to take pack their bags along with their Sharia and leave America. I am so disgusted how they are tolerated in my country.Enough is enough.
They seem to like the Nazis, they wouldn’t object to the final solution – would they?
Maybe we can get Helen Thomas to weigh in on this. Nah! She liked it just the way it was.
this is not a test..muslems are sooooo amazing without them we wouldnt live because tyhey are not HATERS exsept the one that lives next door to me because he ate my toco and it had beans on it and he peed on it.then t the beans tasted liike fecues and i didnt engoy the toco as much as i would but i love muslems exsept the one that gose to my scool because he sat on me i aolmost died but i love all the other ones except a few others u no what it is haters keepin it real with the crabe hoola t ur girl LISAAAA
All war is criminal.
There is no such thing as a lawful war.