The beat goes on. Or should I say the beating goes on? The lawsuit happy Cancer on American Islamic Relations, is at it again. They have mastered how to use our way of life against us, in order to advance Islam. Just yesterday they got Pamela Gellers, and Robert Spencer’s “Leaving Islam” bus ads removed in Miami. In this short video their target is McDonald’s. If they win this one what is next, halal food only?
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Sir Winston Churchill
“Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step…”
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"The sword of Muhammad and the Quran are the most fatal enemies of civilization, liberty, and the truth which the world has yet known." - The eminent orientalist Sir William Muir (1819-1905)
Even if McDonald's win, CAIR is sending out a constant message that will put fear into companies if they do not hire a Muslim.
All McDonald's has to do is stick to their guns and tell 'em to buzz off. The hiring and firing of employee is up to the manager. Muz need to start acting like the rest of humanity. If they don't like the way WE do things, they can take their asses back to the ummah.
Looks like I spoke too soon. I searched and found the link myself –…
Unfortunately, they don't support comments.
If CAIR wins this, the US will head the way of the UK. Over there, arselifting doctors and nurses working for the NHS don't have to uncover their lower arms nor use alcohol-based disinfectants.
Anyone being treated by them risks their lives.
When I see hijab broads in the stores, I turn around and leave and take my money elsewhere.
Let me see, Christians are losing their lands, lives and freedoms in Muslim countries and when they have 'no go areas' in our Western countries – we have no rights. But they expect complete freedom and safety in our areas. I am sick and tired of them whining that they have to take off their scarf. What are they hiding – filthy hair?
I'm with you 100%. I won't touch any halal food – regardless of whether its just halal-certified and contains no real halal ingredients. I boycott all the products from any company that panders to them. Its the only way to get the message across. The more of us who do it, the more their bottom lines get hurt. Eventually , they'll get the hint.
I also won't accept service from arselifters either. You just can't trust them preparing food, driving taxis (they seem to have habit of raping their female passengers), or wherever they interact with the public. If we all did that as well, they'll eventually find they can't find gainful employment.
Respect is supposed to be a two-way street, but the Islamic world does not understand this. Unfortunately non-Muslims continually accept the disrespect.
It could backfire on them too. But I suppose they'll probably be used to it.
I'm sure someone from their legal team could give them that advice. However, it never hurts to point it out to them.
R-not…my theory is the reason these freaks require women to wear full head gear is to hide the marks and scars from misogynist, disciplinary beatings. Here in the FREE world, we call it abuse.
In that case I would push for a law mandating regular strip searches and inspections by the authorities to ensure its not being covered up, so to speak.
Employment decisions are binary: both parties must agree, or there is no relationship. There is no place for third persons in that relationship. If an employer is not free to make decisions in its perceived best interest, then our Constitution is violated and the right of free association abrogated.
Employers decide how many employees they need and select them from the pool of applicants. Applicants do not have a "right to a job".
I will be blunt: if they have an appearance code I do not apply. If they don't like my beard, they can go to Hell as far as I am concerned!
The food industry is very specific about hygiene and there are lots of laws about this. Contamination can be a huge problem. The same goes with the medical field – hospitals in particular. She should have known this when applying. That's why I suspect its lawfare. Arselifters are the only ones who appear to do this to any great extent.
That sickens me. In this country you have the right to practice whatever religion you wish, but a corporation does NOT have to make an exception for you to wear something regardless of religion! Working at McDonalds is not a right, you have to agree to conform to their dress code and if you don't, they don't have to hire you.
All McDonalds has to say is that they had to hire someone that would handle a bacon cheeseburger! Case closed.
LOL! Or a bacon and eggs McMuffin.
You idiot! This complaint has nothing to do with food, but her head dress. It would be no different than telling an observant Jew that to work in a McDonald's they would have to remove their yamika or kepaw.
As an attorney who has done discrimination work for over 30 years, I can say she has an excellent case. The good news for McDonald's is she got a better paying job at the Unviersity, so there is no wage loss. If McDonalds is smart, they will settle quickly and quickly.
It is people like you, who post this silliness, that keep discrimination lawyers like me in business.
Point out where I said this was about food. Jews are not looking to impose a barbaric set of religious laws on the West. Try and pay attention.
No surprise that you would help Islam advance. If they eventually win this war, your family's future generations can thank you.
Then she should do well by having you as her lawyer.
Wearing the hijab in the West is a political statement. Its part of their jihad tactics. Even if she did get the job, she'd sue for being forced to touch pork or claim she'd been religiously discriminated against.
Why don't you check up on all the lawsuits CAIR files? Or check and find out what arselifters get up to on a regular basis. Or do a Google search for islamist lawfare.
and its lawyers like you who give the Law Proffesion a bad name. I spoke to another attorney who stated this girl has NO case. She cannot prove a thing.
You may want to think of taking a Law refresher course.
You seem to be repeating yourself. Do that in court much?
Don’t you need to possess a good B in computer science to operate a weblog similar to this?
errrm just so you uneducated ignorant fools know the ummah isnt not a person or piece of land.
It stands for the Muslim community. Anytime you want to debate me on Islam, just let me know. We will see who is ignorant.