Here is an update to the “Dearborn Students Wear Shirts Glorifying 911~Video” story.

Besides what is mentioned in the article below, I called this school today. I asked them if the students were at least suspended for their atrocious behavior. They asked if I was a parent of a student at the school. When I responded no, the woman said that she could not disclose that information. She asked that if I was a parent of one of the students would I want that information made public? I responded that since the issue made the public, and do to the serious nature of the issue and the worldwide threat of Islamic terrorism, the public does have a right to know. She then hung up. I bet that it is safe to say that she did not want to hear a word about Islam. Unfortunately far too many people wish to remain purposely blind to this threat.

Edsel Ford student apologizes for Twin Towers sweatshirt during well-attended meeting
By Jonathan Oosting
January 06, 2010

Between 250 and 300 parents, students and concerned citizens turned out for a meeting Tuesday night at Edsel Ford High School in Dearborn to discuss controversial sweatshirts worn to school Monday by several Arab-American students, according to various media reports.

In an apparent reference to the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, the sweatshirt read, “You can’t bring us down” below an image of the school’s thunderbird mascot flying near a windowed number 11 (as in class of 2011).

Wadhah Almadhagi, one of the students who helped design the sweatshirts, last night apologized for his actions.

“I was foolish to do it and I’m very sorry,” Almadhagi said, per WDIV. “I can promise that as long as I’m in Edsel Ford I’ll do my best to ensure something like this, as foolish and naive as this, will never happen again.”

While the sweatshirts were inappropriate and in poor taste, district spokesman David Mustonen told parents the students intended the sweatshirts as an act of class pride.

“Kids not thinking, not realizing the consequences of something they thought was pretty innocent,” Mustonen said, per the Free Press. “Their thought was, ‘You can’t bring us down. We’re the class of 2011.’ “

Mr. Mustonen, that explanation does not make much sense. The eagle is the school mascot. So why would their own mascot, be crashing into them? Those kids knew what they were doing when they made those shirts. Smarten up.

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