Pentagon Review Doesn’t Explain Fort Hood Gunman’s Promotions
A Defense Department review of the deadly shooting rampage at Fort Hood fails to determine why accused gunman Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan advanced in rank despite concerns about his competence.WASHINGTON (January 11, 2010)—A Pentagon review of the deadly Nov. 5 shooting rampage at Fort Hood’s Soldier Readiness Center that left 13 dead and 29 wounded fails to determine why accused gunman Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was promoted in spite of worries over his competence, The Associated Press reported Monday.
While the doctors who oversaw Hasan’s medical training voiced concerns about his strident views on Islam, he continued to get positive performance evaluations
The review, obtained by The Associated Press, found that no one challenged his eligibility to hold a secret security clearance, even though his views raised doubt about his loyalty to the United States.
The report is to be delivered to Defense Secretary Robert Gates this week.
A Pentagon spokesman declined to comment on the review because it’s not complete.
It is well known across the Internet that Fort Hood Islamic terrorist Hasan, was not discharged because top military officials were frozen in fear after being bitten by the politically correct bug. On top of not being discharged, he was actually given promotions. So now the question is, will heads roll at the Pentagon or will there just be a cover up? So far it looks like a cover up.
Surely policies must be changed. Are we so daft to think that religious profiling is not necessary? American military personnel are all watching their colleagues nervously for such obvious reasons. How can the top brass close their eyes? Madness.