January 15, 2010
Aafia Siddiqui demands no Jewish jurors at attempted murder trialA Pakistani scientist who is the only woman accused of working with the al-Qaeda leadership has demanded that Jews should be excluded from the jury at her trial in New York.
Aafia Siddiqui called for jurors to undergo genetic testing in an outburst in federal court in Manhattan yesterday.
“If they have a Zionist or Israeli background . . . they are all mad at me,” Ms Siddiqui, an American-educated neuroscientist, said. “I have a feeling everyone here is them [sic] — subject to genetic testing. They should be excluded if you want to be fair,” she told the judge.
Prosecutors say that Ms Siddiqui, 37, who has a biology degree from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a PhD from Brandeis University, fled the US in 2003 after marrying an al-Qaeda operative.
She was arrested outside an Afghan government compound in Ghazni province, allegedly carrying two lb of poisonous sodium cyanide and information on chemical, biological and radiological weapons, as well as descriptions of US landmarks such as Wall Street and the Statue of Liberty.
She is charged with allegedly grabbing a US Army officer’s M4 rifle and shooting at a team of FBI agents who were trying to question her on July 18, 2008. She was shot in the stomach in the exchange of fire and taken to the US a few weeks later to face federal charges of attempted murder and assault.
US officials allege that Ms Siddiqui has links to top al-Qaeda suspects. They say that the mother of three is married to Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, known as Ammar al-Blackuch, a nephew of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the September 11 terror attacks, and a cousin of Ramzi Yousef, who was convicted of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Centre in New York.
The criminal charges do not mention al-Qaeda, however, and the judge has barred prosecutors from telling the jury about her alleged ties to the terror group.
Nevertheless, Ms Siddiqui, who wore a white scarf covering her face in court, vowed not to co-operate with the trial. “I’m boycotting the trial, just to let all of you know,” she said. “There’s too many injustices.
“I’m out of this,” she added.
After the judge thanked her, she put her head down on the defence table and went silent as prosecutors flashed a photograph of her face on a television monitor.
“I don’t trust you,” she told the judge at one point before the potential jurors packed the courtroom.
The outburst was the latest of a series of courtroom rants by Ms Siddiqui, who has also tried to fire her lawyers.
Her trial had been delayed for psychiatric tests, but most concluded that she was faking mental illness. After jury selection is complete, opening arguments will begin on Tuesday.
Well…according to muslims, its not alright to be racists towards muslims…but I guess its OK for muslims to be anti-semetic towards Jews.
Shes not nutz…just living up to the standards of islamo-facism.
Respect is supposed to be a two-way street, Islam is a one-way street.
it was a Jew who said no jewish judge will ever rule in favor of a german when he is fighting against a Jew.
When Jews are stealing Muslim land daily and the hatred spews every day from the like of Mark levine, Michael Savage and Alan Dersh whaever his name is, how can a jewsish judge or Jury be just to a Muslim American or non American.
I do believe this lady will never see justice-never the kind of justice that allowed Jews and christian crsaders to murder an iraqi family and get away with it, with ever jew demanding and paying for legal fees for the murderers, is it a wonder that the woman has escaped to another world while she is sitting in court. the entire court proceeding is a drama.
So one Jew said that big deal, and Jews are not on a worldwide movement looking to impose a set of barbaric religious laws on all, Muslims are. But it very telling that you would support someone that tried to kill a US Soldier.
Islam is not a race.
I hope she gets put away for decades.
That is american justice, and why because she is a muslim, remember our brothers and siters are serving in muslim lands and god forbid the same treatment be bestowed to them as was sanctioned by the likes of you under the Bush rule at abu gharib.
She’s a terrorist, twit.
Her actions make me wonder if they'll put her in jail or a looney bin.
her actions are those of a intelligent person who knows the jury is already out for her and the case is a sham.
She was found guilty end of story.
Her actions are those of a lowlife.
Now she pays the price.
What goes around comes around. Call it Karma or God's revenge, but Dr. Siddiqui needs to face a jury that represents the community, not one that represents her religion or her clan.
Her height of arrogance came when she tried to demand that jurors be screened for jewishness.
Not guilty by reason of sharia.
Don't know why she thinks only the Jews won't like her….
They really need to stop all the cousin marrying….totally screws up their gene pool
According to Islamic Law a man cannot marry a woman and her sister. That's a good start!
I thought those were the middle americans who voted Bush in. the inbreds voted in an inbred leading to a illegal war creating people like the defendant. How about raping your ,mother, sister and brother then mudering them in cold blood, i would like to see u with your looney 2nd amendment right parading the looney bin also.
If you hate America so much, why don’t you move to an Islamic country?
I wonder how long he’d last! 😉
I guess it is too much to ask for her getting the needle as it probably in the name of political correctness will end up with an all mahoundian jury. The muz won't get contended until the jury is totally halal according to sharia.
Just like you should have got the needle when you attacked an innocent muslim country and helped isreal steal 10 billion daily from me and my family and friends to make WMD, while this nation is atarving and isreal is egging US to fight one muslim war after another.
God kicked them from jeruselum, how can they claim rights after God took those rights away from the jewish tribe.
Read the first tesitment brother.
Afghansitan persecutes Christians, and Saddam was far from innocent. The Bible supports Israel.
So you had $10 billion? Lol!
You are not going to change anyone’s mind here.
So is it $10 billion a month, or a day? Please make up your mind.
Since when did Sweden attack an innocent arselifter country?
Americans need to gain the reputation of the Jews – very suspicious of all Moslems. It is a shame this woman is not afraid of ANY American jury. Do you think we will ever get there as a country? How many attacks from Moslems will it take? Israel is always at war, while America is asleep!
Not all of us!
Zionists like u pretend to want america because u love america, your greed will swallow america one day just like it swallows everything you touch. God saw that and exiled your tribe, please learn to share, the view, money, earth, guns, WMD, water and food or God’s warath may come down on you.
Wow, talk about a kook overload.
Why, what threat are they to you?
And she went to BRANDEIS!
Just goes to show us that their careers are meaningless to us.
So what is your career exactly? What do you contribute to the greatness of America? How much foreign exchange do you bring into the country?
You might want to try and stick to the fact that this woman's career did not mean loyalty to America. Do you have anything important to say, or do you just plan on trolling?
Here is the deal, we will live without some guy/gal's approval from Belize.
islaminaction08.blogspot.com didn't live, pass the popcorn!
She can demand things until she's blue in the face, we shouldn't really care about that anyway. What really bugs me is that this pos is still alive! Wasn't it possible to shoot to kill a terrorist that opens fire on Americans??
Another pointless post by you.
That site is back also. So next time know what you are talking about.
If you would just voluntarily limit your speech about Islam then I will stop reading your site. Snarky Bastard did and you should as well.
"I’m just tired of talking to witless fools. I’d rather ban them and save my energy for Obama and the Zombiecrats."
Lose the ego, Snarky did not limit his speech for you, he just banned you because you are a pointless waste of time. To be honest, neither of us care what you think about us or want.
Take care.
It has nothing to do with banning me, or someone else going by name QR, it’s the second sentence where he voluntarily gives up his right to blog about Muslims…”save my energy for Obama and the Zombiecrats”. That means he doesn’t have the energy to deal with me or Muslims, he’s only going to write about US politics.
Hey, f#$%kface…I just ban d#$%kless people like you. You might think I'm being defensive by doing so. Here's a little clue: You waste my time with your mindless stupidity.
Hope her entire jury is made up of Hassidum!
If she was smart enough,
was trying to select amongst the jewish leftist (which is not rare )
in her jurors!!!!!
There are no Jewish leftist just normal Jews like normal Muslims and Christians who are sick of Zionism and Christian crusaders like Mark Levine, Michael savage, Sean hannity, Laura ingram, Rush Limbaugh say like Jon Stewart, Alan Colmes, Amy Goodwin, who are not Jewish haters but believe in learning from History.
Right, all because you say so.
Colmes is uninformed on Islam.
Alan Colmes has Refused to Debate me on Islam
Colmes is dhimmi coward.