Massachusetts College Bans Face Coverings, Muslims outraged
A Massachusetts college has banned students, faculty, and staff from wearing any kind of face covering, outraging some Muslim groups. The ban is believed to be the first of its kind at a U.S. college.
A spokesman for the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences told the Boston Globe yesterday that the ban was intended to protect the public safety on its three campuses. The prohibition includes such items as ski masks and scarves, and is not specifically aimed at the traditional Islamic burka.
“It’s no surprise that college safety has become a huge issue of importance in the past couple years,” said college spokesman Michael Ratty. “This is another measure that public safety [officials] wanted to implement to keep the campus safer.”
The policy went into effect Jan. 1. Ratty did not cite any particular incident or rash of incidents that would have sparked the decision, nor have there been any news reports of trouble on any of the three campuses.
However, last year a 2008 graduate of the school, Tarek Mehenna, was arrested on terrorism charges. His father is a professor at the school. Ratty insisted there was no connection.
“Unequivocally it has nothing to do with that case,” he said.
At least one Muslim-American group is threatening to sue the school charging religious discrimination.
“It’s a very strange policy,” said Ibrahim Hooper,” a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington, D.C. “I don’t know where it came from. The only thing we can conclude is that it’s designed to specifically target Muslims.”
The organization would like to see an exemption for Muslim women who veil their faces for religious reasons.
The school has two Muslim women currently enrolled. Ratty told the Boston Herald that school officials had met with the two to discuss the policy, and that they were “on board with it.”
Hey Hooper, anyone can hide under a burka. Security first, religion second.
about time, we can't even say grace in a majority christian country, now remove that pre historic garment and adjust to america, at the end of the day you came here, no one forced you to. accustom to america or leave, dont expect us to be ok with ur traditions, as even female reporters have to wear a head scarf whilst reporting from muslim countries!
Good idea Jack, I will be calling tomorrow.
Here is the contact information.
Letter sent to Mr Lessard..Exec VP. COO..CFO
I suggest others do as well.
"Mr. Lessard
My congratulations and support to you and your school, for standing up to banning certain clothing that may be dangerous or cause an unsafe condition for your students.
Don’t let CAIR threaten you. Stand for your principles.
Please, don’t give in and set a precedent, you will regret it.
If It is allowed on campus grounds, they will move forward to get it installed throughout the US.
Again, my thanks to you and your staff.
(name and address)
cell phone number)""
I takes some time and it takes some balls…GET INVOLVED!! If they are intimidated, there will be no stopping them.
This may help too:
goes right to Lessard's page.
The tide is turning……..slowly but inexorably…..we have had enough!!
I hope so, lets see what happens with CAIR and this college.
Great work Jack, and we do need to do more than speak about the problem amongst ourselves.
The NYC "Imams' Who advocated the destruction of the USA two weeks ago,should be Beaten to a Pulp and put in Chains at Guantanamo!!!We can always Re-open Alcatraz!!!
A commentor on the danish blog Snaphanen suggested, mostly as a joke that they should send their mahoundian scum to Greenland. Being aware that the inuits living in Denmark has been ill treated as all kafirs by the muslims, perhaps it is not such a bad idea after all. I mean Greenland is large but has a small population. Building prisons there would bring new jobs to their country as well as they should be ideal prison guards considering how the muslims has treated their countrymen in Denmark. No more holidays in the sun. Welcome to the arctic frost instead, muslim scum!!!
hi that would be against their human rights, imagine a prison at the top end of greenland. when it comes to rammadan (and they are forbidden to eat from sunrise to sunset for 30 days they would starve to death ) artic circles 40 odd days of night at the right time of the year, oh dear their false prohet could kill them from within
It has started and it continues….
Where do we call or write to the school to suppport them?
Can we send you ours if that comes to pass? Best wishes from England 🙂
Send them to China, they are the only country that knows how to handle Sharia loving Muslims.
Why are arselifters even allowed into colleges? Everyone knows they're all stupid retards. At least banning their rags is a start.
Mr. Ibrahim Hooper and morally bankrupt Libtards, banning face coverings in public venues has nothing to do with specifically targeting Muslims. It’s about public safety and crime prevention. However if you chose to equate the two, I and undoubtedly many others, would be more than happy to entertain this revolutionary theory and act accordingly.
Thank you Mr. Ibrahim Hooper, for helping me and my ignorant friends connect the dots on this issue.
Remember being an Infidel is cool and we get to wear cool stuff.
that was very good rendering…
did you actually send it to Ibrahim Hooper?
He won't see it here…..
Moose Limbs do not tolerate kafirs in there home countries. Why should we tolerate thier hatred for others in our country?.
If they’re ugly, then they should cover their faces with Muslim rags. The pretty girls should leave their faces exposed.
Talk about paranoia: “It’s a very strange policy. I don’t know where it came from. The only thing we can conclude is that it’s designed to specifically target Muslims.” The 2 Muslim women currently enrolled (& who obviously aren't wearing burkas) were “on board" with the decision. Hmm, I'm guessing which angle CAIR will try next. Why do Muslim women wear the burka in western society anyway (in Islamic countries they have to)?
I have always said…If change will come in the Islamic world, it will start with the muslim women.
Did anyone else contact the school to give their support?
I have to get on that tomorrow. The radio invite today was last minute.
Thanks for pitching in.
Here is the unfortunate update guys. CAIR wins again.
Massachusetts: College Bows to CAIR and Un-bans Islamic Face Veils
Here is the unfortunate update guys. CAIR wins again.
Massachusetts: College Bows to CAIR and Un-bans Islamic Face Veils
Brilliant thought – bravo! It echoes my long-held dream of an extended ramadan: a month w/o food, water 24/7. That would get rid of a few.
To all the outraged moozlweems:
I can’t believe those of you with so much hatred within you. What you call the great country of America was founded because people were looking for a place were they can have religious freedom, among other things. Instead of listening to what the media feeds you perhaps you should try learning about the true religion of Islam. How would you feel if a school banned you from wearing jewlery that has a cross on it? Why does the scarf equals violence and oppression, while a nun wearing a head covering symbolizes spirituailty? Think!!
Giving ''freedom" to Islam, is to take away rights of non-Muslims. I have studied Islam for 8 years. It allows lying, rape, and what non-Muslims would consider murder. Anytime that you want to debate me on Islam, just let me know.
They did it for security reasons. by the way jewelry and catholic nuns are not the same as covering your “whole face”…its ok to cover your head,,.thats FINE!..but if you cover your whole face including your lips and nose its a bit not right because the lecture wants to talk to you face to face and look at you in the eyes..its very disrespectful to cover your whole face,…its not fair!!! i mean everytime a US reporter goes to Muslim country they respect their culture and religion by wearing a burga,.,.they should do the same for us here in US instead of forcing us to do what they want, by the way its sad to meet a lovely person but you dont know what they look like cos they hide their whole face…!!!!!
When in Rome….