Of course everyone reading must know that they are talking about Islam and Christianity. The article then goes on to mention Timothy McVeigh, whose terrorist act was not inspired by his religion. More Christians need to start doing their own research and educate themselves to the fact that Islam is a religion of war, and Muslims are encouraged to lie to defend it. Christians involved in interfaith talks with Muslims also need to ask themselves one question. Where is the major Muslim movement against the persecution of Christians across the Islamic world? Don’t be fooled.

Muslim-Baptist Friendship in US Movie
IslamOnline.net & NewspapersCAIRO — Showing off commonalities between American Muslims and their non-Muslim compatriots, a US documentary is exploring into the Muslim-Christian friendship in America.
“We hope the documentary provides positive narratives for relationships between Baptists and Muslims, narratives that begin to challenge the negative narratives that dominate American culture,” Robert Parham, head of the Baptist Center for Ethics, told the Tennessean Saturday, January 2.
The hour-long documentary, “Different Books, Common Word”, features five friendships between Muslims and Baptists across the US.
It showcases how Muslims come to the help of non-Muslims in crises, providing aid and shelters for hurricane victims.
The movie also highlights how Christians rush to help and show solidarity with Muslim neighbors after their mosque were burned by White supremacists in 2008.
The documentary further features American Muslims as compatriot people who also have a sense of humor.
“We’re working together to try to get people to see we have more commonalities than differences,” said Orhan Osman, executive director of Institute of Interfaith Dialogue in Oklahoma City.
“We want to help people to understand both faiths and make new friendships.”
The documentary, produced by EthicsDaily.com, an affiliate to Baptist Center for Ethics, is part of a series of movies meant to reconcile spiritual and political conflict.
The film will be aired by the ABC affiliate TV stations this month and in February.
Peaceful Faith
The movie aims to show that all religions are against violence.
“We have extremists in both our faiths,” said Bruce Prescott, executive director of Mainstream Oklahoma Baptists.
Timothy McVeigh, a US Army veteran and security guard, was convicted of bombing the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 168 people.
A 23-year-old Nigerian was arrested last week after trying to blow up a trans-Atlantic plane over Detroit.
“We need to do all we can to convey that individual extremists are just that — individual extremists,” said Prescott.
He voiced hope that the documentary will help shed light on the problems that result when people stereotype others because of their faith.
“We’re just trying to find some common ground to promote peace.”
American Muslims, estimated at between six to seven million, have been in the eye of storm since the 9/11 attacks.
They have become sensitized to an erosion of their civil rights and took the brunt of the Patriotic Act and other anti-terror laws.
Mr. Prescott, it is not Christians that we see continually getting locked up here for terrorism related charges, it is Muslims. It is time to wake up, grow a spine, and call for an end of Muslim immigration. It is the Trojan Horse.
Bruce Prescott and Robert Parham need to be fired and replaced!
It is glaringly obvious that they know nothing of islam's invasions of Europe, Africa, and Asia for the past 14 centuries.
America does not need any more wimps in positions of leadership.
We need more Richard Lionhearts and General Pattons
Well said HC.
I recently read Reza Safa's testimony of his conversion from Islam to Christianity, Blood of the Sword, Blood of the Cross. In Iran they lived near Christians who were friendly toward his family, but growing up as a devout Moslem, he would always diligently wash his hands, when in private, if he had touched a Christian or had shaken their hand. He also remembered that if a Christian gave their family a gift of food, they would thank them to their face, but later throw the food away and never eat it.
After reading this article, that part of his story came to my mind. Also the fact that he knew he could not return to Iran after his conversion, because he would have been killed.
What we need is the truth about Islam to be told so that people can really see what it is, not the lies about what it is sometimes or what it simply isn't.
An extremist Christian is one who is fed to lions or crucified – while forgiving those feeding him/her to lions or crucifying him/her.
Needless to say, there are not that many extremist Christians around.
However, so-called moderate Muslims are those who join in saying "Allah u akbar" with the "extremist Muslims" when the "extremist Muslims" are killing non-Muslims.
The "moderates" are the ones that silently sit around and watch as Islam moves forward across the West. Hopefully we will change this.
Sorry Stephen an 'extremist christian' as you put it is one that carries out murderous wars in the name of a 'god' that commands "Thou shalt not KILL" and carries it one step further and claims that it is the 'will of god' to disobey His commands.
Obviously, you assertion is totally and irrefutably wrong. I am not a Christian by the way.
I didn't comment on what religion you adhere to, or IF you adhere to such things.
I did however comment on your assertion of the definition of a radical christian. Which is far more prevalent in the world that the supposed 'radical' Muslim.
For every 'radical' Muslim you have approximately 20,000+ murderous radical christians carrying out a sadistic war OF terror on the poor and innocent of numerous countries around the world.
Really James? Muslims are voting in Islamist or terrorist organizations across the world. Like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the AKP. Educate yourself and try sticking to the threat of today, which is not Christianity.
Are you serious Christopher?
Did you vote for the $787 BILLION DOLLAR BAILOUT the bankers got? Did you protest? Contact your representative? Were you paying attention to the stories that reported that Congress had their e-mail accounts shut down the day they brought it up for the second vote AFTER the citizens of America already said NO?
Were you watching when they passes the healthcare bill even though it will destroy health coverage? Why don't you read up on Margret Thatcher's healthcare bill in 1989 and what it done to the health system of England?
"Voting"? If a "vote" had the power to change the conditions in which we are being forced do you think they would let us do it?
If you're more afraid of "radical Muslims" than the TERRORISTS on Wall Street and in Washington DC you're not paying attention.
What a ridiculous statement.
I am not sure if that is your site. If so, can I repost that?
there is a link to a pdf document, about this:
Just a few ideas from this poll…
(this is about STUDENTS = educated!!!)
– Almost a third (32%) of Muslim students polled said killing in the name of religion was ever justified. By contrast, just 2% of non-Muslims polled felt the same way
-Over three quarters (76%) of non-Muslim students polled think that men and women are not considered equal in Islam.
At least some sanity, among (what a coincidence – non-muslims)
55% of non-Muslim students polled believe Islam is incompatible with secularism.
Good point Herman, there goes the they are not educated excuse.
I’m not surprised with this kind of statement because most people that went into pastoral training found it very difficult not only to buy a copy of the Quran but to read the Quran as well.
The two clergymen are speaking from their level of ignorance. The first thing they ought to realize is that every Muslim is first an individual and they do not reason the same way. Each Muslim is different from the other and within Islam, there are liberals, the moderates, the Sufis, the Sunnis, the Sh’ias, the conservates and the hawks or terrorists. The question they should have ask themselves before opening their mouth is that Why is Islam producing the highest number of terrorists compare to other religions? Why is the 95percent of the war on earth is connected to Islam?
Hi Bade,
I don't think that they want to hear the answers to those questions.
"Why is Islam producing the highest number of terrorists compare to other religions? "
Dude, have you seen any advertisements for the Army or National Guard lately? I saw a billboard not too long ago that had a lightning bolt and a cloud with the caption "Answer the call". What "call" do you suppose they were refering to?
Hate and death have but one master and you belong the the one whose principles you practice.
BTW were you aware that "jihad" is a personal struggle more so that a physical one? Any "christians" out there waging jihad with their personal demons?
164 Jihad Verses in the Koran
Did it ever occur to you that when there is a threat. that is what you focus on?
You are also ignorant to the fact that the political aspect of Islam is an even bigger threat to Western civilization than violent Muslims.
Where is the major Muslim movement against the persecution of Christians across the Islamic world? Don’t be fooled.
Too true.
Muslims indulge in taqquiya when questions about their faith come up.
Don't be fooled. Think for yourself.
How many attacks have happened in the name of Jesus and how many have happened in the name of islam?
Islam and Christianity are as different as chalk and cheese.
One is a religion of war and the other is a religion of peace.
khushi, You are right in what you say. Islam has been a religion of WAR from the day one.But we still have gullible non muslims like Bruce Prescott who think and believe Islam is a religion of peace. How are we going to convince likes of Bruce that Islam means subjugation/misery/ mayhem/terrorism,etc,etc I believe it is the websites like this that we have to expose the EVILS of Islam to the public at large. So when you go to other website give the link of this website too. ie, spread the word around. see http://www.inthenameofallah.org
"How many attacks have happened in the name of Jesus"
Uhhh every day. We could go back to the 1400's if you like, or were you just wanting the examples within this century?
If YOUR religion is a "religion of peace" why don't we see more of it? Christianity is as blood stained as a butcher after a hard days work. Until you grasp that the Creator predates war, so war and slaughter has nothing to do with how righteous a man is you're just another drop in an ocean of hate.
First of all, I am not a Christian, so it is not my faith that we are talking about.
But I am not blind or irrational.
I don't know of a single group which has flown planes into tall buildings and said they are doing Jesus' work.
Correct me if I am wrong and give me a list of Christian groups who have flown planes filled with people into buildings filled with people and thereby killed thousands.
It is just unbelievable how idiots of all kinds on non-muslim faiths, on purpose refuse to read about and see the truth about islam….
In this day and age of information, there is no excuse for not knowing that islam is a violent religion with only one purpose: world domination, by killing all non-muslims….
Only the ones from the book can be saved if served as dhimmis and paying their jizzyia, for 'protection'….
In other words: people stating some ridiculous things as 'religion of peace' or 'We have extremists in both our faiths' should be send back to school and LEARN!
The Christians also need to read the Bible again. It is very clear that Jesus would have denounced Islam as evil. Islam is of the Devil. That is just the simple truth. Even without the oppression and violence. Islam hates the Bible and Christian belief. And Christians. And the West, which was built by Christianity, in large part. How many Christian communities and were wiped out by Islam around the Med? Many were the martyrs spoken of in Revelation, I am sure. And still today. Wake up, Christians. These are end times. Were is your allegiance. Moslems pledge their allegiance to Islam.
The Christians also need to read the Bible again. It is very clear that Jesus would have denounced Islam as evil. Islam is of the Devil. That is just the simple truth. Even without the oppression and violence. Islam hates the Bible and Christian belief. And Christians. And the West, which was built by Christianity, in large part. How many Christian communities and were wiped out by Islam around the Med? Many were the martyrs spoken of in Revelation, I am sure. And still today. Wake up, Christians! These are end times. Where is your allegiance? Moslems pledge their allegiance to Islam.
Too right Fran
Here is the Muslim philosophy on Christianity
This is a "respected" Muslim scholar/cleric
Actually Stephen they are refered to as "people of the book" and Muslims respect that Christ was a prophet and there is a difference between a true follower and someone that is a "follower" in name only.
As you or I might say, the proof is in the pudding.
IF Jesus "denounced" Islam why do you suppose he told the thief that he would be with Jesus in PARADISE this day? Paradise is not of the "Christian" faith?
ANY person that disregards GOD's commands and murders, lies, and destroys is anathema. If you are a follower of men that preach hate, death, and continual war you're on the wrong road.
Wake up.
It's OK Chris, I live to defend Christianity. James raises a good question. I did not say Jesus denounced Islam, I said he would have because Mohammad and all Moslems reject him as the Christ. Paradise is exclusively Christian because Jesus said he is and was the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but through him. And I have a living daily relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ, so I know this is true. How about you? Where is your faith?
The thief was promised Paradise because he had been watching Jesus die on the cross there next to him, innocent, forgiving, not cursing the world as he was, I suspect. But he put his faith in Christ as Savior and Lord, and through this Jesus could forgive him.
That is why Christianity is so great. Faith, not works, so no one can boast – best example, the thief on the cross by Jesus. Thanks for bringing it up, even if Chris does not like it. 🙂
Ask the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury and other Christian leaders why they are not Muslims.
Their answers are bound to offend Muslims (and therefore the death of non-Muslims as Muslims vent their spleen).
Christians are taught to "love your neighbour as yourself". Muslims are taught to "kill the Kuffar who dwell around you" (straight out of the Koran).
The Old Testament is descriptive, but the Koran is prescriptive. The Koran is still used as a terrorist handbook after 1,300 years.
Do as you would be done by does not mean doing as your neighbour wants. Christian leaders have lost this notion.
Individual Christians who are committing crimes are not doing it in the name of Christianity. When you can point out the the worldwide Christian movement looking to impose a set of barbaric laws on the planet, let me know. Otherwise how about, we stick to the threat of Islam?
Thank you.
Let me get your reasoning straight and correct me if I am wrong.
Individual Christians acting out in radical ways DO NOT represent the majority of the Christian body politic but individual Muslims do represent ALL Muslims?
There is NO global 'movement' to impose a set of barbaric laws associated with the Christian faith yet the supposed "greatest Christian nation" on the face of the planet is behind ALL of the wars unilaterally declared in the last decade? Yet Islam is waging such wars with unlimited funds at their dispossal to enslave the entire planet?
Instead of "sticking to the threat of Islam" and the racist hatred that connotation invokes, why don't more directly discuss the threats being made to the freedoms of mankind REGARDLESS of creed, culture, color, or religious affiliation?
So let me get your reasoning straight.
“individual Christians” acting out on their own behalf DOES NOT represent the whole of Christianity, yet a single Muslim acting out in opposition to his faith DOES equate to the whole of Islam? OK
“Stick to the threat of Islam”?
Let’s look at the hatred and racist statement you made there. Are you sure there are no other factors that are creating the conditions that exist in the world? Perhaps people that profit and gain from continual hatred and war? Perhaps we should further examine the threat that violent extremist Christianity poses to the undeveloped nations of the world. That looks like a sad track record because we have countless examples.
“Global threat” of “radical Muslims”? I hardly think so. I see a greater threat from the people directing us to hate our neighbors because our neighbors are suffering right beside us as the war makers their record profitmaking.
One more time, Christians are not on a worldwide movement looking to subjugate the world under religious law.
What race was Islam again? Yea, I guess I should like that fact that Islam is advancing so quickly across the world.
Fine, so we do not agree. So don't come here, as you will not change my mind and I really do not care what you think of me personally.
Please point out how what happened in the 1400's is a threat today.
Here is the deal, my site is not your personal soapbox to attack a religion that is not a threat to the world. If you do not like what you read here, do not come here. Very simple.
" not a threat to the world"
Well I guess that just depends on which end of the gun you're on then doesn't it? or whether you're the one flying the drone or the one in who's site it is being painted for extermination?
I don't like your religion or your viewpoint. It's very racist and hateful. I'm sure you'd be singing a different tune if it was your family that was being attacked because they believed differently than their oppressors.
I came here because I'm sick of my government and people like you telling us the boogeyman is a Muslim when I have seen more damage to my family's life and my neighbors by people that are affiliated with my own government and have unhindered access to the television, internet, and radio to spread their hate speech.
I'm sure we'll be getting a message from Osama been Deadalongtime any day now lauding the crotch-bomber although his daddy is the one with American military contracts and ties to the Inetnational Monetary Fund, which happens to be a destroyer of nations.
Actually James, the Koran calls for "people of the book" to be dominated and extorted.
YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
As you or I might say, the proof is in the pudding.
You 'interpret' from a predisposed position of hate. You take the information out of context and make it say what you want.
I, too, have read the Qur'an. If you can't separate historical from spiritual passages perhaps its time to reexamine your purpose.
The bible cites numerous passages for justifiable holocausts and exterminations.
How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways…….
Right, because that verse is just so hard to figure out. Jizya is part of Islamic Law, that is not spiritual. But you will tell yourself anything to deny the harsh reality of the situation.
Muslims respect a different vision of Jesus. Under Islam Jesus will come back as a Muslim and destroy Christianity.
This can be seen here.
Your pro-Islamic con, will not fly here James. Try the Daily Kos.
Muslims respect a different vision of Jesus. Under Islam Jesus will come back as a Muslim and destroy Christianity.
This can be seen here.
Your pro-Islamic con, will not fly here James. Try the Daily Kos.
Don't play word games with me James. You made a statement and were proven wrong. Now you look to change the subject.
Why don't you point out where I said that I support Obama's healthcare plan? Do you have any purpose here other than to start arguments?
Yes I did contact my representatives, and I speak out against our current government on other sites.
No, I take the information from the Koran, and Islamic scholars such as Bukhari, Muslim, and those at Al-Azhar. The highest learning Islamic school in the world. And you are?
The Bible is made of stories for those times, the Koran is for all times.
YUSUFALI: Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.
Too hard for you to figure out the meaning behind this?
YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
BTW, lose the ego, you do not dictate to me what I do or don't do. Is that clear?
I am not even religious and I really do not care what you think of me. Islam is not a race and Islam is all about hate.
You came here and proved nothing, the problem is getting worse and worse and we will continue to speak out as you bury your head in the sand.
The problem has been going on for 1400 years, and some people will never mustard up the strength to face the harsh reality of Islam.
Right now Bin Laden, is not even close to being the problem. The problem is across the world and it involves the political aspect of Islam.
Please educate yourself.
The problems with Islam existed before we were even over there. Google the Barbary Coast Wars.
Here is a good one.
Hadith Malik 511:1588 The last statement that Muhammad made was: “O Lord, perish the Jews and Christians. They made churches of the graves of their prophets. There shall be no two faiths in Arabia.” (During the caliphates of the first four Caliphs this edict was fully carried out and all non-believers were removed from Arabia.)
We are looking to impose Christianity on the Afghans. Keep trying James.
Oh, so now the bible is just historical writings and Islam is an eternal spiritual doctrine?
And exactly who did you study under?
Adam Gadahn or Yousef al-Khattab?
Perhaps the Osama man himself?
Oh, I know! Anwar al-Awlaki. I don't suppose it matters that these men are all affiliated with the CIA and Mossad?
Perhaps you've studied Sayyid Qutb?
Dude, you're gone.
What ego? Just because I confront racist hatred you accuse me of egotism?
Its hard to reconcile your interpretation of a physical translation when the Qur'an is based on spiritual matters. What next the 72 virgins shpiel?
I'm not 'dictating' anything. Please refrain from trying to sound like my daddy.
How am I changing the subject? You're the one that asked if they were voting in 'radical Muslim' political groups.
There is none more radical and hate-filled than the men that control the United States and they aren't Muslim at all. I don't see a "global plot by radical Muslims" to control the world but on the other hand I DO see a group of bankers and special interest groups(i.e. CFR, IMF, Bilderburg, G-20, et al) steering our world into a big abyss.
Arguments? I'm just presenting the other side of YOUR opinion.
I did not ask you that, I pointed it out.
NO, who they are voting is NOT opinion. Try reality.
You don't see the global plot because you are either ignorant or do not want to see it.
I don't know about where you live but today I read a story in our newspaper that said they are going to close our schools, not because of snow but because they have to pay the overtime for the street cleaners rather than keep the doors open. Choosing between school and clean streets?Are Muslims responsible for that?
In the last year our town has lost 5 MAJOR employers that accounted for over 10 million dollars locally. Did the Muslims cause those plants to close down?
Every time I go to the store I come home with less food than I did the month before and my government tells me I don't get a cost-of-living increase on my social security because there was no "inflation" last year. They can't be serious but did Muslims cause that also?
Me, ignorant? Ignorance is defined as:
the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness
None of which would remotely apply to me.
Yes, the Koran is taken as the literal word of Allah and mere man cannot change the words.
Al- Azhar the highest learning Islamic school in the world supports this. But maybe you know better….
YUSUFALI: For them are glad tidings, in the life of the present and in the Hereafter; no change can there be in the words of Allah. This is indeed the supreme felicity.
In your purposeful blindness, you missed this part.
No, I take the information from the Koran, and Islamic scholars such as Bukhari, Muslim, and those at Al-Azhar. The highest learning Islamic school in the world. And you are?
The Muslims of Revolution Muslim obviously know more about Islam than you. Maybe you know more than those scholars I mentioned, of which I have read their work.
If you do not like what I do, do not come here. I will not stop for you or anyone else and you are just a distraction to a very serious problem.
It is pointless to continually bring up the Bible when Christians are not on a worldwide jihad, looking to impose a set of barbaric religious laws on the world.
Islam is the threat, and that is where the focus shall remain, whether you like it our not.
BTW, you are the gone, gone from here. End of waste of time.
I see you the nobody knows more than the Islamic scholars that I quote. Too funny….
One more time, Islam is not a race and you are the one who is trying to tell me what to do. That will not happen.
Az-Azhar is Sunni Islam.That is the majority.
Keep trying.
Go reeducate yourself, because you failed her big time.
I don’t know about where you live but today I read a story in our newspaper that said they are going to close our schools, not because of snow but because they have to pay the overtime for the street cleaners rather than keep the doors open. Choosing between school and clean streets?Are Muslims responsible for that?
In the last year our town has lost 5 MAJOR employers that accounted for over 10 million dollars locally. Did the Muslims cause those plants to close down?
Every time I go to the store I come home with less food than I did the month before and my government tells me I don’t get a cost-of-living increase on my social security because there was no “inflation” last year. They can’t be serious but did Muslims cause that also?
Me, ignorant? Ignorance is defined as:
the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness
None of which would remotely apply to me.
No Muslims did not cause that. But that does not mean that the threat of Islam does not exist.
I see that you are signing up under multiple emails. You might want to lose the obsession with me.
Wahabism is what you are refering to and it is NOT the practice of the majority of Muslims but a minority….except in Saudi Arabia. Which happens to be an ally of the US. I wonder why?
"not trying to impose Christianity on the Afghans"?
We have different perspectives of history and its interpretation. That's like saying Europeans weren't trying to "impose" Christianity on the Indians or South Americans or Africa or Viet Nam or…need I go on?
I am "educated" probably much more so than you'd like.
James here is sure obsessed with trying to get the focus off of Islam and onto Christianity. Wrong site James.