When the Sharia Courts in the UK were first announced, anyone who can see past the day that they are in knew that this would lead to nothing but more demands and trouble. In a followup to the “85 Sharia Courts in UK, Says Report” story we learn what the UK Sharia Courts are calling for.Hat tip to Roland.
Muslims in Britain Have Religious Duty to “Fight the British and Americans” says New Sharia Court Exposé
Muslims living in Britain are under orders from Sharia courts to regard “fighting with Britons and Americans as a religious duty” a shocking new report on Sharia courts in Britain has claimed.
Issued by independent think tank Civitas, the new report, called “Sharia Law or ‘One Law for All’?” and authored by Islamic specialist Denis MacEoin, also says that there are now around 85 Sharia courts in Britain.
The open declaration of war – Jihad – against ordinary British and American people by Islamic law courts is a damning indictment of the treason committed by the Tory and Labour parties in allowing millions of Muslims to settle in Britain.
In addition to the horrifying declaration of holy war against British and American people, the Sharia courts operating in Britain have also ordered that:
– Sharia law must override the judgements of British courts;
– Muslims living in this country are under orders to disobey Britain’s laws when it contradicts Islamic values;
– Muslims are forbidden to take out insurance, even if required by (UK) law.
– There is no requirement to register a marriage according to the law of the country;
– Polygamous marriage (that is, two to four wives) is legal; and
– A Muslim lawyer has to act contrary to UK law where it contradicts Sharia.
According to a press release issued today by Civitas, the courts operate inside the rapidly spreading network of mosques throughout Britain.
In the press release, Mr MacEoin wrote that it is extremely difficult to find out what goes on in these 85 courts, so he has relied on a range of fatwas issued by popular online fatwa sites, run out of or accessed through mosques in the UK as an indication of the sort of rulings these Sharia courts are making.
Only five of the Sharia law courts are publicly known and run by the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal, a body whose rulings are enforced through the state courts under the 1996 Arbitration Act.
However, Mr MacEoin said that “Sharia courts should not be recognised under the Arbitration Act.
“Sharia courts operating in Britain may be handing down rulings that are inappropriate to this country because they are linked to elements in Islamic law that are seriously out of step with trends in Western legislation,” Mr MacEoin wrote.
The revelation that Sharia rulings or fatwas are being enforced through state courts by the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal (MAT) has alarmed many, especially as the Arbitration Act, under which this takes place, specifically excludes divorce and childcare cases.
“Under most interpretations of Islam a person who leaves the faith is an apostate who can be put to death. While this threat remains, it cannot be accepted that Sharia councils are nothing more than independent arbitrators guided by faith,” the Civitas press release continued.
“The reality is that for many Muslims, Sharia courts are in practice part of an institutionalised atmosphere of intimidation, backed by the ultimate sanction of a death threat. The underlying problem is that Sharia law reflects male-dominated Asian and Arabic cultures. It cannot therefore be accepted as a legally valid basis even for settling private disagreements in a country like ours, where our law embodies the equal legal status of everyone, regardless of race, gender or religion.”
Mr MacEoin wrote in his conclusion that the “introduction of Sharia law into this country is a recipe for a dichotomous legal system that holds Muslims and non-Muslims to different standards.
“This is not a matter of eating halal meat or seeking God’s blessing on one’s marriage. It is a challenge to what we believe to be the rights and freedoms of the individual, to our concept of a legal system based on what Parliament enacts, and to the right of all of us to live in a society as free as possible from ethnic-religious division or communal claims to superiority and a special status that puts them in some respects above the law to which we are all bound.”
* In their coverage of the Civitas press release, all of the mainstream media deliberately suppressed the part dealing with the Sharia courts’ declaration of Jihad against British and American people.
I'm not a briton but it still makes me furious to think they have allowed these savages to establish their cruel and barbaric laws in this formerly civilised country. 85 courts is an extremely high number. If they don't star fighting the muslims soon, they will have public stonings, chopping of hands and heads very soon.
85 was months ago, the stated that they wanted to triple that number by the end of this year. I wonder how many regular courts they have there?
And we non-muslim will fight Islam.
yes and I will fight Islam to the death.
Hello Christopher (from FB)
All of this is useless to them unless they find a way around what is acceptable to be able to benefit from these rulings. Fair enough, they get the green light from sharia to have 3 wives; they rely on handouts because they sure as hell will not do a days work, where will the money come from unless the government do a noisy turnaround. They will soon get that idea out of their heads. Another problem is if they sanction deaths or beatings, all this will come out because their defence will be sharia said it was ok. Should be fun.
Hi Bitok,
Unfortunately things are going to get much worse before they get better. I read the same thing about Sweden, how will Muslims there react when the welfare funds run out? Will they riot?
It amuses me that Americans are writing about the problems in Britain, with little to no real knowledge of what is occuring in my country. When you (I presume you have given how comfortable you are to comment on the state of our country) visited the UK was it overrun with angry Muslims demanding a war on the west? No. In fact in the UK the largest number of immigrants are Australian or Kiwis. Furthermore the most aggression the UK has endured domestically remains to this day from Irish terrorists- not Muslims. Irish terrorists like the IRA that infact the US funded up until the Good Friday Agreement (thanks very much…).
Takiyya. Kitman. Tuquoque. Islam is a cancer. Civilization is the answer.
muslims ARE the most aggressive beings in the UK stop lying. we dont want shiria. we dont want islam. they stole our town they are taking over. im english and this is a fack and we all are angry and are sick of our owm ignorant government not being loyal to us .
Hi mate,
We have the same exact problems here in America, it is just not as bad yet.
Good luck!
X marks the liar! Mozlems have killed more civilians on the British mainland and in foreign wars than any Irish person.FACT
Mozlems have murdered more of their own people since 1388 than any other country in the world,over the past 5000 years! Fact!
So be amused,until the time of your demise,scum!!
what utter crap…no more prob 29 thousand oz/kiwis in brit..no trouble from ira hardly..as usual muslim garbage
Fuck-off you fifth columnist swinehound!!
Sharia courts are not looking to supercede our legal system (certainly not the courts that are being allowed to run currently or in the future).. It is a means of expanding cultural relativism and Britain's proud liberal ideologies. Allowing domestic issues to be discussed in a culturally sympathetic institution, with understanding of Muslim ideals is not a bad thing. If anything it allows further Muslim intergration as it breaks down cultural barriers that highlight the lack of cross-culture understanding which has caused so much hate in the UK and US alike.
People who think like you are the reason Islam will take over. Ther religious literature teaches for Islam to dominate, to bring about an Islamic world…that is what they are taught to do, and they believe it is right. They moved out of Saudia Arabia and took over much of Africa, Asia, and as far as Spain, and Turkey…they are very good at at spreading Islamic rule. Now they are immigrating and Muslim women have more babies than anyone else in the world, just look at the Muslim women with baby carriages, they are baby machines! We are being swamped with them and they will become a strong voting block and we will be under threat of living under Islamic law. In the US it may take 50 or 75 years for this to happen but if we keep allowing this to happen our children and grandchildren will be living under Islamic law. If I had to live under Islamic law, as much as I like being a woman, I would get a sex change!
Islam is not a peaceful religion and it contradicts all what is believed in our mainly christian country. The cultural divide will widen, as it has in all countries where Islam is allowed to flourish without challenge. If a white male is arrested for an assault on a Muslim, what court would he be charged at? Under Sharia Law he could be put to death, under BRITISH law that has been here for hundreds of years, he will receive a prison sentence. The fact that too many radical muslims are gaining more support from large organisations is worrying too! Needs stopping and needs stopping now!
Welcome to the site JJ. We have the same problems here in America, as the UK does with Islam. It is just not as bad yet, but we are quickly catching up. Did you see this?
Good luck mate!
“…culturallly sympathetic institutiion…understanding muslims ideas…muslim integration…”….
How you lost the bloody plot or what..you sound like another fecking middle class english bed wetting muticultural liberal, islam belongs back in the middle ages, it`s a barbaric ideology that has NO PLACE in our free western (yes western) civilisation.
Bet you have a social scienes degree eh…lmao !
Ofcourse there are some fundamentalist Muslims, as there are Christians or people of ANY faith. It is the problem with religion inherently where Divine Command forges ideas of the 'one truth' where their own belief system is correct over all others. It is NOT limited to Muslims and this site seems to only further that limited knowledge by fear mongering.
Please stop commenting on the state of British affairs with regards to our liberal intergration policy; I think the US has it's own problems to comment on rather than supposing it understands our's.
We learn about the problems in Britain from the British who tell us about it. Not everybody agrees with you. Furthermore, in America our government is behaving the same way. Mark my words Islam’s goal is to dominate and bring Sharia to the world and we are handing the world over to them. When it happens we will lose our freedoms and there will be terrible discrimination against non Muslims and against women and gays and there will be NO freedom of speech. Anywone who speaks against Islam will be KILLED…this happens everyday. In Pakistan a Christian woman put her cup into a bucket of water and the other Muslims refused to drink the water because they said a non Muslim is UNCLEAN, which is what they believe…we are Najis…unclean…so the Christian woman said “Your Mohammad had worms in his mouth when he died.” Now she has been in prison for 15 months and has been given the death sentence for saying those words. She has a husband and two children who are crying for her. That is Islamic Sharia and is what they want to bring to our western countries. I have Muslim friends, who I like, and believe me they believe in Sharia, KILLING for adultery, cutting of hands, and it is not extreme or fundamentalist, it is the basic teachings of Islam that is taught and upheld by Quran and Sunna.
And just to exclude any ideas to the contrary- I am not a Muslim and this is not just a message defending that faith. It is a political and social point that I hope you at least respect and consider, if not agree with.
Once again, “Jamil” will be banned for posting under multiple names. Give it a rest already.
It amuses me that you are not smart enough to figure out that you do not have to live somewhere to know what is going on there. I have read an endless amount of articles from here, watched videos, and know dozens of people who do live here. The threat there today is Islam.
Articles are subject to bias. Videos are subject to the directors beliefs. To understand the problem you cannot get caught up in the problems of hermeneutics that arises when relying on secondary sources like articles. Surely you have to agree that to truly formulate sound and reliable opinions for yourself you need the purest access to the knowledge- first hand knowledge. You do not live here you rely on bias reports like the ones on here. It is not the full story. All religions are threats due to the authoratitive structure of them. Perhaps it is more fitting to say fundamentalist Islam is the threat you ignorant person (which by the way is in no way represented by the majority of Muslims).
Well and truly give me a break! I don’t need your truth seeking in person rhetoric. Does the government go around to every house in order to know how people feel?
As far as Islam being just as much of a risk to the world, try the word jihad which is in no other religion on earth nor does every priest/pastor make statements that are regarded as gospel. What are Christians doing? Caring for orphans, feeding the hungry, building houses for homeless in Pakistan, caring for homeless wherever they are, AND NOT DEMANDING THEIR OWN LAW SYSTEM, not whining that they don’t get their way in every situation, not demanding more rights than those who built the country. They do not DEMAND all join them, they do not seek holy war. BUT FROM THE Qu’ran: Those who believe do battle for the cause of God and those who disbelieve do battle for the cause of taghut. So fight the minions of the devil. Lo! the devil’s (non-Muslims) strategy is always weak.
Yeah I’ve had British friends tell me what’s going on and it’s pretty serious. Liberals are giving away the country to these people because they believe it’s religious freedom. When Sharia becomes dominant there will be NO religious freedom, NO freedom of speech, and no human rights for women or gays or non Muslims. this is the way it is in 56 Islamic countries and anyone who doesn’t see this is BLIND. Furthermore the Saudis are funding education on the Middle East in universities therefore the liberal intellectuals are misinformed about Islam…as we use oil and gas and the Saudis get rich they are funding radical mosques and departments of Middle Eastern studies all over the world so we are paying for our own demise.
Also, the "threat there today is Islam"? How dare you? The threat in the UK could be anything from knife crime to unemployment, disillusionment with our politicians, spiralling public spending, devolution leading to independance, a rise in teen pregnancies, dependancy on our welfare state or any number of far more pressing issues. Issues that actually affect our lives on a day to day basis. Not some scape goat that is being fed to the masses as an excuse for a commitment to an undeserving war and rising public spending. People like you devote so much time to furthering the ignorance and blindness that once intellectual individuals start to even get caught up in it.
Yes.the threat here in uk is islam certainly. We have a muslim rape epidemic, we have a muslim pqedophile epidemic too…they are being banged up in jail all the time.
We have nowhere to get non halal food anymore cos EVERY shop sells only halal tortured meat, all the prisions, schools and hospitals give only halal tortured meat.
If we made YOU eat food prayed over by us would you eat it?
Muslims are lying scum
Has anyone consulted with the Church of England about this?
Christians are not to eat anything that has been sacrificed to idols.
And there are many theological and doctrinal arguments in both Islam and Christianity to prove that Allah is not the God of the Bible.
The fact that the C of E has taken no stand here is an abandonment of Christianity itself.
Muslims have stated that they want Sharia to be the only law of the land. Your "proud" liberal ideologies are destroying Britishness. The Sharia Courts just embolden Muslims to move on to their next demand.
"Muslims have stated"!? How vague do you want to be? I can state whatever I want it doesn't mean the demographic I represent agrees with me. Yes I am sure some Muslims have said they want Sharia to be the only law but who cares? It is not a mainstream belief in Britain it is one held by a few. A few incidently without inluence. As a link even says on this website something like 80 or 90% of Muslims in Britain call themself british- which means they ascribe to our laws and customs. You have no idea of what Britishness means. It is probably time the US stops thinking it knows everything about other countries. We may be smaller than you but that gives you no right to assume knowledge of "britishness" and to dictate to us what it should encorporate..
Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK
Those are just the one that admit it. I take more a stand for Britishness than you do and if you don't like what I have to say do not come here with your hypersensitive leftist personality. My British mates appreciate that I am so outspoken.
No, the poll means that they think that they own the place. It is probably about time that you grow a spine and realize that no one here will stop speaking out to suit your personality of weakness.
I'm not asking you stop speaking about the issues… If anything it makes it easier to highlight them as ridiculous and ill informed. You cant assume I am spineless and weak- if anything I am showing myself to be otherwise by standing up against your prejudice. Just accept you dont agree with it instead of making it so personal!
Only thing is that you have not giving nothing but your meaningless opinion. As usual a leftist can dish out the personal comments, but cannot take it back. Like I said, just a weakling.
Its the assumption that Islam will dominate the world! Think about it; what part of the US dominating the world is the middle east supposed to like!? Yes Islam as a single domination is larger than Catholicism but it remains that Christianity is the world's largest religion. Like a child and his teddy, that should at least make you feel a little safer.
Facts is that Islam is taking over more and more of the world. I don't want the US to dominate the ME, I want to bring the troops home. But for the record we allowed Islam into the Constitutions of Afghanistan and Iraq. That is not dominating.
Well,maybe you are not a leftist, but maybe a Muslim playing games. Either way the waste of time is over. For the record the problem existed long before the USA was in the ME, anyone can Google the Barbary Coast Wars to see that.
WE are not prejudiced we are realists. I have Muslim friends who I am very close to and I like them and you know what? They believe in Sharia, KILLING adulterers, cutting of hands, covering of women, submission of women, submission of all to Allah, and that there is NO law above the law of Allah. They believe if you leave Islam the penalty is DEATH, if you criticize Islam the penalty is DEATH, there is NO freedom of speech. I have studied Islamic literature from Islamic societies, read the quran, and they all say they must bring about an Islamic world and bring Sharia to wherever they are to have a just world. This is what the mosques are teaching. The Muslims who are not following these ideas are not following their religion. My Muslim dentist is not for Sharia but he is a Shia and is a tiny minority. I have spoken to many Muslims who believe in Sharia, KILLING adulterers, cutting of hands, and that all people must follow the laws of Allah. That means Christians who commit adultery in an Islamic country will also be KILLED< rape victims will be KILLED, a woman's testimony is worth 1/2 a man, a woman's inheritance is worth 1/2 a man, in divorce man gets children and woman gets no support, men can divorce with 3 words "I divorce you" and rape victims are KILLED and unwed mothers are KILLED and a man and a woman who go to a restaurant will be arrested and get 98 lashes. This is the law they believe is right and want to impose this on everybody and if you cannot see this you are BLIND. I am NOT prejudiced I have Muslim friends who visit me.
They believe in Sharia, KILLING adulterers, cutting of hands, covering of women, submission of women, submission of all to Allah, and that there is NO law above the law of Allah.
end quote.
And you have every right to be repulsed by their beliefs and to work to prevent them from dominating your life.
That’s not hatred.
That’s your natural right.
You have not read the Koran.
You have not read any of the hadiths.
You have not read any history.
You write with no authority here.
X .PERPET…I’ve read your post above and I’ve never heard so much rubbish. I live in England and everything said by these Americans is spot on. Muslims are not integrating, multiculturalism isn’t working. You say 80/90 % of Muslims in Britain call them selves British? No they don’t, all Muslims say they are Muslim first then British, or as the Muslims in my area say…British by paper, Palestinian by nature… Does this sound like Muslims trying to intergrate? I suggest you get your head out of your laptop and onto the streets you live on, because the country you describe isnt the country i live in.
British by paper,
end quote.
They come from a culture where the rule by force is greater than rule by reason or law.
That’s why they are British by paper. It’s a show of contempt for the rule of law.
And British authorities have never seen this for what it is.
Those who are British by paper should be deported immediately.
Muslim first?
Get out.
Christians are not looking to subjugate the UK under a barbaric set of religious laws. So there is no reason to bring them up.
Many Popes have spent years condemning homosexuality- something largely accepted by most of the western world. Furthermore Pope Benedict XVI has openly condemned the use of condoms in Africa because of its implications with contraception despite its ability to stem the spread of HIV and AIDS. So yes you're correct it isn't in the UK but Christians most certainly are looking to subjugate countries under a barbaric set of religious laws.
This has nothing to do with Islam and Christians are not the ones that had to have religious courts within the UK. Keep trying.
Ofcourse it has nothing to do with Islam thats the point! It is an example of Christian interventionism- much like the Muslim intervention in the UK. Its starting to seem more and more like loganswarning is just a childs response to an adult issue. Hiding behind his hands by claiming everybody disagreeing with him isn't focussing on the issues, rather than dealing with the discussion.
Yes, Christians should interfere with Muslims trying to takeover the UK. It seems to me that I have no respect for you at all and no one here agrees or cares what you have to say. You might also want to realize that you are the only one here disagreeing.
You are clearly obsessed with me. Get a life.
I am the only one disagreeing? That is irrelevant. Someone needs to stop the ball of hate rolling before it gets too large
Translation: You want everyone to stop speaking out against this problem, so that you can remain in your comfort zone of denial. It is all about you and your feelings. Future generations of non-Muslim Brits would surely pay if everyone there thought like you.
You are wrong!
Basics of Politics
“Muslims see that they, themselves, as well as the world around them, must be in total submission to God and his Will. Moreover, they know that this concept of His rule must be established on earth in order to create a just society.”
“Fight them, until there is no more dissent and religion is that of Allâh” (2:193)
“I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks (beheading) and smite all their fingertips off them.” (8:12)
He (Allah) has sent His Apostle (Muhammad) with the guidance and the (only) true religion that He may make it
prevail over all the religions’ [Quran 48:28].i
The subjugation is not going well.
No burnings.
No beheadings.
No amputations.
No forced marriages.
No hanging homosexuals from cranes.
I call False equivalency.
I call Dishonesty.
There is nothing in Christian history and culture that matches Sharia.
In every Christian polity, even in the Middle Ages, secular authorities dominated.
Feudalism in France, Germany and Eastern Europe, with a king and lords.
The lords were not religious authorities.
They were lords and knights.
“The Realm” was never the ummah or the community of faith.
There are only two Catholic states in Christian history: Malta and the Papal States.
There is currently only one Christian state in existence: Vatican City.
And the Vatican is not printing textbooks and lawbooks for imposition elsewhere.
Saudi Arabia certainly is.
I don't respect you at all. You are part of the problem over there. Grow a spine.
Maybe. But you are certainly the problem in America. It is your attitude of non negotiation and dogmaticism that makes your arrogant views of the world so dangerous. You spend so much time thinking you understand the world and condemning people who disagree with you that you overlook the ways in which you are similar. Your hate and ego is the reason you have become such a target.
1400 years of talking to Muslims have accomplished nothing. Why don't you explain what I am to like about Western civilization falling to Islam.? Not standing up to Islam is what is so dangerous.
Target? I really do not care, bring on 1000 more like you.
Like me? I'm not referring to me when I mention targetting people. And maybe modern mathematics, medicine, GUNPOWDER, philosophy and architecture could be used as examples contrary to your assertion that it has "accomplished nothing"… You idiot!!
One more time for the slow minded. 1400 years of talking to Muslims has not stopped it from taking over more and more of the world. What is the matter? Getting mad, oversensitive leftist?
It is about a lot more than disagreement, it about a group of people wanting to force their beliefs on the West. Try and pay attention for once. When the differences are so great, the small similarities are meaningless. Islam is the anti-thesis of Western civilization.
When are you going to see that what you preach on this right wing hate sight is not practical! You wont solve anything by mongering suspicion of things you do not understand.. I have no problem with your belief that the west should not have beliefs forced on them (although ironically that is exactly what the west does to everyone else), but the fact remains the same that you offer no solutions accept for all out war with Islam. Ridiculous. I am curious though- when will you be happy? When all Muslims are returned to the Middle East with a big wall around them, or dead?
@”X”: You said, “I am curious though – when will you be happy? When all Muslims are returned to the Middle East with a big wall around them, or dead?”
Since that is what they sincerely want for us if we don’t convert to islam, why is that such a “bad” thing to want? Are you gonna say that it’s “OK” for them to want that for us, but if we do the same thing we’re somehow “wrong”? They absolutely WILL NOT STOP until we either convert or die! There is NO “religious tolerance” (or “tolerance” of any other kind) for true muslims. You can do whatever you want, bud. As for me and my family, we’ll be sticking to our faith in the LORD (the REAL GOD) and joining Chris in his stand AGAINST islam and all it stands for. ;o)
1.Lose the label, the threat of Islam is a threat to both the left and right.
2.I clearly understand that threat of Islam. The proof is all over this site.
3.I have stated that we need to end all Muslim immigration, and officially ban Sharia Law. Those are solutions, it is you who has offered none.
Here are some quotes from the quran. Muslims memorize the quran. What do these words sound like to you?
“Fight them, until there is no more dissent and religion is that of Allâh” (2:193)
“I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks (beheading) and smite all their fingertips off them.” (8:12)
He (Allah) has sent His Apostle (Muhammad) with the guidance and the (only) true religion that He may make it
prevail over all the religions’ [Quran 48:28].i
The prophet of Islam boasted, “I have been made victorious with terror”. [Bukhari: 4.52. 220]
“Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you to victory over them, heal the breasts of Believers” 9:14
Bukhari 9, 84, 57: (punishment for leaving Islam is death)
‘Some Zanadiqa (atheists) were brought to ‘Ali and he burnt them…Ibn ‘Abbas said “…I would have killed them according to the statement of Allah’s Apostle, “WHOEVER CHANGED HIS ISLAMIC RELIGION, THEN KILL HIM.”
“Slay the unbelievers wherever you catch them.” (2:191)
“Verily, the unbelievers are unclean.” (9:28)
“The vilest of animals in Allâh’s sight are those who disbelieve.” (8:55)
‘Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is
good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and
ye know not’ Q 2:216
“fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and
faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all
that they do’ [Quran 8:39].
AAAaall Muslims are returned to the Middle East WITH big wall around them, AND AL d……….d!!!
“Slay the unbelievers wherever you catch them.” (2:191)
“Verily, the unbelievers are unclean.” (9:28)
“The vilest of animals in Allâh’s sight are those who disbelieve.” (8:55)
‘Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is
good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and
ye know not’ Q 2:216
“fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and
faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all
that they do’ [Quran 8:39].
The Infidel Task Force has many members representing the UK. Everyone should hear what these people have to say about what is happening to their country. It is outrageous!!
X .PERPETU, is either a Muslim playing games, or a blind leftist.
I vote blind leftist (in other words, a “useful idiot” to the muslims)…hehe! ;o)
No I will not stop commenting on the UK or any other country including my own. It is called freedom of speech and if you do not like it, do not come here. It is that simple. You don't dictate what I can and cannot say. Is that clear enough for you?
X .PERPETU commented on UK Sharia Courts:Sharia is the law of the Land, Wage war – Loganswarning:
Articles are subject to bias. Videos are subject to the directors beliefs. To understand the problem you cannot get caught up in the problems of hermeneutics that arises when relying on secondary sources like articles. Surely you have to agree that to truly formulate sound and reliable opinions for yourself you need the purest access to the knowledge- first hand knowledge. You do not live here you rely on bias reports like the ones on here. It is not the full story. All religions are threats due to the authoratitive structure of them. Perhaps it is more fitting to say fundamentalist Islam is the threat you ignorant person (which by the way is in no way represented by the majority of Muslims).
Listen, save the excuses for another site. Besides the articles and videos, I have plenty of friends there and I will continue to speak out whether you like it or not. Point out the UK Christian movement looking to impose a barbaric set of religious laws on the land. You cannot, because your all is equal leftist fantasy land does not exist.
The majority of Muslims site silently as Sharia advances across the West. That says it all, as does this video from the UK.
Muslims Terrorize UK Police~Video
“X” said, “Articles are subject to bias.”
Yeah, “X” ol’ boy, and BIAS is what makes free speech what it is. We kinda like our biases. If you don’t, you welcome to LEAVE any time you want, OR you can stay and keep showing us what a complete horse’s behind you are. Your choice, boy – either way, in my opinion, you lose… 😀
“subject to bias”
Look carefully at the person who complains about bias.
That person is probably the most biased in the damn roon.
The people who complain about bias are the ones who are most likely to have an agenda to push.
X .PERPETU commented on UK Sharia Courts:Sharia is the law of the Land, Wage war – Loganswarning:
Also, the "threat there today is Islam"? How dare you? The threat in the UK could be anything from knife crime to unemployment, disillusionment with our politicians, spiralling public spending, devolution leading to independance, a rise in teen pregnancies, dependancy on our welfare state or any number of far more pressing issues. Issues that actually affect our lives on a day to day basis. Not some scape goat that is being fed to the masses as an excuse for a commitment to an undeserving war and rising public spending. People like you devote so much time to furthering the ignorance and blindness that once intellectual individuals start to even get caught up in it.
"Offended"? I just do not care and I never said that there were no other problems there. Islam is no scapegoat and more and more Brits see that everyday. Do you want to your family's future generations to live under Islamic Law?
Islam allows lying, rape, and the extortion of non-Muslims. Which is your favorite part?
Lying, rape and extortion of non locals occurs everyday in the west.. Hardly unique to Islam. And Islam as a contemporary society no longer condones that behaviour in a society where it is not accepted. as you say; "keep trying".
Unfortunately they do, but these acts are not condoned by Western civilization as Islam does. Also rape is on the rise in Europe because of Muslim immigration and you do not get to rewrite the Islamic scriptures. At this point you are obviously a Muslim. Well guess, what after over 71 minutes of you stalking my site you have failed to change my mind. Allah will surely punish you.
All further comments by you will not be posted. End of story.
Ummm, maybe the better way to say it is that “the BIGGEST threat in the UK is funky, radical islamists, and it’s growing bigger every day, so it NEEDS to be dealt with”. Will THAT meet with your “approval”?
Welcome to the site Hollis!
One more for the sake of comedy…..
X .PERPETU commented on UK Sharia Courts:Sharia is the law of the Land, Wage war – Loganswarning:
When are you going to see that what you preach on this right wing hate sight is not practical! You wont solve anything by mongering suspicion of things you do not understand.. I have no problem with your belief that the west should not have beliefs forced on them (although ironically that is exactly what the west does to everyone else), but the fact remains the same that you offer no solutions accept for all out war with Islam. Ridiculous. I am curious though- when will you be happy? When all Muslims are returned to the Middle East with a big wall around them, or dead?
I offer plenty of solutions, I want to drill for our own oil,build nuclear power plants, end Muslim immigration, ban Sharia Law, seal our borders, and build up our missile defense systems. I understand Islam very clearly and the scholars of Al Azhar backup my views. So give it a rest and get a hobby.
You have encouraged me to speak out even more, you are most likely a Muslim threatened by the infidel knowing the truth.
X .PERPETU commented on UK Sharia Courts:Sharia is the law of the Land, Wage war – Loganswarning:
I am the only one disagreeing? That is irrelevant. Someone needs to stop the ball of hate rolling before it gets too large.
This is just the beginning, our voices are on the rise, whether you like it or not.
Ok, well it has been enlightening speaking to you.. Good luck with your social war and all who follow you. I know your voices are on the rise its very scary.. I only want to live in peace. And sorry no I am not a Muslim… But yes a liberal. I fail to see that as an insult. Goodbye ChristopherL.
XP,if you are a non-Muslim, do what is right and think about your family's future generations having to live under Islamic rule. Muslims there are not playing games.
Good luck!
Im only 23 and live in FL and I understand whats going on in the world then the majority of my generation. Check out this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGU4Y1KRXB8&fe…
Yes islam is trying to dominate the world anyone that can rub two brain cells together can see that. Just like the leftists are enslaving us Americans to a welfare dependant dumbed-down poverty stricken death society. But the march has to be slow at first of course or else we would wake fast enough to stop them. But islam is for sure the modern nazi-germany conquering countries by deceiving, coercing, or their favorite force. Christopher have you ever heard of Mark Levin? If not I would highly reccomend listening to what he has to say visit his site to listen to his free radio shows I consider him the modern Ronald Reagan as he even worked under him in his admin. Heres the link
->marklevinshow.com/audio Im glad I stumbled upon this site through freerepublic.com…keep it up friend dont give up! Just like the saying goes the only way for evil to triumph is when good men do nothing!!
As of now, Muslims do not even have to fire another shot to takeover. Their immigration must be ended, as they will never stop pushing.'
Levin and FreeRep, are both doing a great service for America.
If you want to be added to my daily ping list on FR, just let me know.
I'll never shut up and you have a great attitude!
You are completely right they wont stop. Islam IS the modern Hitler. Conquer without end their appetite for control is insatiable just like the leftists.
Yes Levin & FR certainly are but they only reach so many people. The libs have COMPLETE control of the media which is of course the most powerful and invaluable arm there is. Whether its MTV,BET,Comedy Central, NBC, CBS, ABC or any other channel their all owned by LIBS who control what airs on it and whats said on them. All except Fox News which is garbage anyway. They are NEWS not politics, it even says it in their name Fox NEWS. When there is politics on it its so freakin fair & balanced, watered down, so broad and soft. It's never indepth or researched just a bunch of talking points high taxes big govt blah blah. Levin & FR are the only two sources we got. The Libs control everything in this control THROUGH the govt. The government and the dem party are truly dependant on eachother. One thrives on the other.
Yes I would indeed like to be added to your ping list and thank you good sir.
WOOOW this is incredible! A conservative doing a superb job of trying to get through to a blissfully ignorant blind Liberal (as they all are). As you probably have noticed ChristopherL it is very tough to liberate a liberals mind. But what else can we do? Let them screw us all over by voting in authoritarian tyrannt leftists w/o even fully realizing the consequences.
It is very hard to change the mind of people who do not want to face reality.
Thanks Cody!
Yes it is ,usually because for them to change it might threaten their identity or it might make them have to defend their postions.
The sad part is that they can not even find the strength to stand up for life as they know it, for their families future generations.
If native non muslim Brits say anything against Islam they are arrested for hate crimes yet look at the treasonous spewing of these rag heads and nothing happens! Stoning and lashings are on the way to Britain since they passed this shar’ia abomination!
this law is cultural and has noting to do with islam! In fact it goes against everything mohanned preached about. You people should really learn to get your facts straight before you comment. You blatantly don;t know a thing about islam! If you did you would not be arguing.
Muslims are on a worldwide Sharia movement, but you who has not even read the entire Koran says it has nothing to do with Islam. I suggest you do a lot more research.
Im just gonna say it i hate muslims and just wish the government would get rid of them this is insane there taking over our country and getting away with it!
I feel you James, I feel you. Anways im not really religous, but islam is a bitch, man seriously. I see some good post’s by the pro-islam people, but then get squashed by the anti-islam and shows just how brainwashed they really are and are incorrect and yet still acknowledge their religion as peaceful and happy? All muslims are heavy on religion, but are literally the biggest pedopehiliacs ever because they look down on woman just that much! and im not even talking about the little girls, I’m talking about the little boys. Anyways just wanna say great site, great info, great truth. Peace!
Welcome to the site, and thanks!
Just so you guys know, this is from training them in Afghanistan. I know our religion representatives (Priest’s, ETC.) have done some sick stuff, but we all let them know how we felt. In the muslim world, it’s more like ‘oh hey that’s cool you got some dancing boys! Why don’t those that argue against us realize that we let those who commit such actions know how we feel and make sure are punished through our lawful justice system V.S when they do it, it is just another day in the neighborhood? And when punishment does come, it can be because a girl was raped and it was her fault that she was raped. GTFO!
‘In fact in the UK the largest number of immigrants are Australian or Kiwis.’
Strange! I have only ever met Australians or Kiwi’s in London. I live in the north and am surrounded by Pakistani Muslims, the next town having more Pakistani’s than white/other ethnics. I wonder where the Aussies and Kiwi’s are hiding?
I am living in the UK but haven`t lived in the big city for almost a decade!
I`m in a quiet rural area because I`m retired and not in very good health!
It breaks my heart to see what is happening in the cities and I suppose it`s only a matter of time before it spreads further into rural areas!
I have been online for a couple of years now and am shocked from what I`ve learnt! The mainstream media either doesn`t report what`s going on in regards to the islamisation of Europe and the UK, but when it does it`s very low key and doesn`t really tell the truth especially when it mentions persecution and attacks on christians in other countries! IT is what you could say, very economical with the truth!
The murders of christians in Iraq (churches and homes)have really accelerated, also the persecution and murders happening in Egypt is pitiful and there is no-one to defend them!
Nigeria is another hotspot where hundreds of christians are also being murdered!
Why is there no-one coming to their aid?
It is heartbreaking, please pray in earnest!
Join the EDL while you still have the freedom to do so.
The overall silence from the Christian community is just sad. But the tide is turning in the West. Hang in there mate!
It is time for us in the west, to rid ourselves of the despicable creatures! The whole lot of them! They are out to kill and enslave us! Out! Out! Out!
I just recd a call from this number 706-705-8888 and a female first said salam-alekum (sic) and then said we give free online koran teaching for your kids are you interested. How sick can these basta-r-ds get? They are now targeting via online calls and telemarketing also. When will the leaders of US wakeup and destroy those trying to hijack our nation from the inside just like UK got screwed up? My research on this number and it said this is used by telemarketers or those using google chat or google mail. Brothers, pls beware of such criminals who break the backbone of a country from inside by teaching koran to children. Donot fall for this trap, steel your resolve to throw this scum out of our good country! God bless America.
This is a really old thread but I just wanted to point something out as a white non muslim living in britain. As I live in england I have indeed observed and spoken to many different people of different cultures. Of the muslims I would say they mainly have the right idea, I’m not talking of the quran or their beliefs, but more so how they live! They will normally all live in one house, multiple generations! I worked with a guy who lived with his parents and grand parents, he was married too, so 3 generations in one house! This says to me that they have strong family bonds! When I was young all I could dream of was moving out at 16! lol… They also tend to have much respect for older people in the community, while my fellow white british attack all people for money! I also notice that younger generations very much adapt into our society, they tend not to follow their relegion so much… I know many many muslims that smoke and grow weed for example!
i have no doubt that the older muslims would like their law imposed on everybody! But they can’t even convince their own followers to do this! That is because they live along side us and see that we have fun! They want to have the same fun and freedom!
It’s a bit like racists, you may still find some old folks that hate black people, for little reason other that they are black/brown… But it is hard to find younger generations with that view! It is my belief that any fundamentalism will fizzle out over time, just as racism has!
To be honest I am not concerned by the muslims, however, I’m very concerned about my government! They steal and lie and cheat and murder and torture! All in the name of spreading democracy! Democracy that we fo not even enjoy! Oh yeah we have a fake democracy where we can vote in the next tyrant every 4 years! Fantastic! That is not democracy at all!
Anyway you have to fight whatever belief you have, only I would say, always seek the truth, if you gain information that challenges your perspective do not be scared, embrace it! Learn from it, unless you believe that you already know everything this world has to offer?
I worked with a guy who lived with his parents and grand parents, he was married too, so 3 generations in one house! This says to me that they have strong family bonds!
This says to me that they are a pre-modern culture and deeply impoverished.
They also tend to have much respect for older people in the community, while my fellow white british attack all people for money!
ALL people?
For money?
What planet are you living on?
It’s a bit like racists, you may still find some old folks that hate black people, for little reason other that they are black/brown…
Ummmmmm . . . .
Islam is not a race.
You claim to be concerned about the government.
Yet you say nothing at all, give no substance about why.
You claim that young Muslims do not want to impose the Caliphate and Sharia.
You give no substance.
We can produce much more proof that Muslims, by way of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, do want to impose the Caliphate and Sharia.
We can produce much more proof that Muslims are not emigrating from their countries, but are, in fact, colonizing the West.
You claim to be a Briton.
I don’t believe you.
I know the truth about Islam, and your future generations will suffer under it. Do you have it in you to fight for them?