Here is the update to the “UK: Two Christians go to Trial for “Insulting” Islam” story. Thankfully they were cleared of all charges and Islam has to take a step back. Cheers for freedom!
Christian hoteliers cleared in Muslim woman abuse row
A devout Christian couple have been cleared of insulting a Muslim guest because of her faith.
Benjamin and Sharon Vogelenzang were accused of launching a tirade against Ericka Tazi at the Bounty House Hotel in Aintree, Liverpool, in March.
The couple denied using threatening, abusive or insulting words which were religiously aggravated.
District judge Richard Clancy dismissed the case at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs Tazi, who converted to Islam 18 months ago, spent a month at the hotel in Church Avenue while attending a course at Aintree Hospital.
Business affected
She claimed the couple became enraged when she wore a hijab on her last day and accused Mr Vogelenzang, 53, of asking her if she was a murderer and a terrorist.
She also told the court Mr Vogelenzang called the Prophet Muhammad a murderer and a warlord and likened him to Saddam Hussein and Hitler.
But the couple denied her version of events and claimed Mrs Tazi told them Jesus was a minor prophet and that the Bible was untrue.
Mr Vogelenzang admitted that his wife may have referred to the hijab as a form of bondage, but said he only listed historical figures such as Hitler, Nero and Mao to make light of the situation.
Earlier on Wednesday the court heard that takings at the couple’s hotel were down by 80% since they were prosecuted for the public order offence.
Speaking from the witness box, Mr Vogelenzang accused 60-year-old Mrs Tazi of “trying to ruin his business” during heated scenes.
The two-day trial ended when Judge Clancy ruled that the evidence against the hoteliers was “inconsistent” and dismissed the case.
He told the couple that religion and politics was the “tinderbox which set the whole thing alight” because of both parties’ “strongly entrenched positions”.
Evidence inconsistent
Explaining his reasons for dismissal, Judge Clancy said Mrs Tazi’s claim that she was verbally attacked for up to an hour had not been backed up by the other witnesses.
He also said the language Mrs Tazi used in the exchange “did not quite form the same religious view” that was put to him on the stand.
Judge Clancy said: “I’m not satisfied on the facts that this case has been made out.”
Mr and Mrs Vogelenzang were backed by campaign group The Christian Institute which held demonstrations of support outside the court.
Their supporters cheered as the couple emerged from the building after the hearing.
It's about time that people stood up and refused to be browbeaten by islamic scumbags….especially in their places of business. Lies, intimidation and loud, vociferous behavior is a hallmark of islamic trouble makers. If they like islamic bullshit so much, why don't they go live somewhere that is islamic? Then they can wallow in islamic shit to their heart's content.
I agree if you need to live under Islam, go move to an Islamic country.
But their goal is world domination. Why move? Islam wants to dominate and kill Christians and any infidels. There are more of them in UK and US than in Islamic countries….great places to gain power!
Let us hope that this case sets a new precedent and a trend toward justice. It will be better if it can not be appealed.
It reminds me of the finger in the dyke…but it gives some hope.
We must be thankful for justice… However, the fight against islamification inside the UK is on, and we must be vigilant and strong..
There is a weird message on all the pages on this website that blocks out part of the articles. It is a part of the message that when you click on a link and if the webpage cannot be found it says, 'webpage cannot be found' message appears. Can this be fixed?
Hi R_not,
Is it possible that it might be something on your computer? Because I am not having this issue, nor has anyone else said anything.
But nice to have you back. 🙂
It is gone, but I haven't rebooted or even gotten out of the website. I have no idea what happened, but thanks for responding. It was the computer-fairy making life tough for me (haha).
No problem, as you know I recently had more than enough computer and website problems. I was hoping that I did not have another. 🙂
Come back in about 15 minutes, I have a new article that will make you happy.
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Have a very excellent evening.
I just recd a call from this number 706-705-8888 and a female first said salam-alekum (sic) and then said we give free online koran teaching for your kids are you interested. How sick can these basta-r-ds get? They are now targeting via online calls and telemarketing also. When will the leaders of US wakeup and destroy those trying to hijack our nation from the inside just like UK got screwed up? My research on this number and it said this is used by telemarketers or those using google chat or google mail. Brothers, pls beware of such criminals who break the backbone of a country from inside by teaching koran to children. Donot fall for this trap, steel your resolve to throw this scum out of our good country! God bless America.