Not too long ago, I was very disappointed by the silence of the Church in regards to Islam. Now as time goes on and the threat becomes clearer and clearer to America, some Church leaders have decided to step up to the plate. I fully support their efforts in this war with Islam and hopefully more will follow.
Former Muslim says Islam a threat
Conference starts today in EsteroReza Safa said he is bringing the conference Reversing Jihad to Estero today and Saturday, to educate the public about Islam, its history and future in the United States.
Safa is pastor of Fishermen’s House Church in Tulsa, Okla., and president of Nejat TV, the first Christian satellite network in the Middle East in the Farsi language.
He grew up as a devout Shiite follower in Iran.
“At that time, I considered America to be an evil force,” said Safa, now 49.
But in his 20s, he said he was overwhelmed by the gospel and converted to Christianity.
Safa said he later felt that he was called by God to come to America and warn others about the spread of Islam.
Todd Weston, pastor of River of Life Assembly of God where the conference is taking place, thinks it’s a necessary message.
“We’re hosting it because we think it’s a very timely subject for our country, our community,” Weston said.
Run islam runnnnnnnnn
The tide is slowly turning in our favor.
end quote.
The conduct of your fellow Muslims negates the truth of your statement.
You are in absolute hallucination. Take more pegs, smokes.
you are in absolute hallucination. Take another peg and smoke.
Grow up.
If you glance through the Bible and the Qur’an you may find several points which appear to be exactly the same in both of them,
end quote.
And you will also find that the Christian concept of God is vastly different from the Muslim concept of Allah.
God and Allah are not the same.
You have decided that you can argue for the holiness of Islam to people who believe it to be profane.
Islam is profane.
Your prophet is false.
Your scriptures are guides to hatred of the other, rape and slavery.
You are doomed by your desire to destroy what you can’t make submit to the will of your Allah (which is, in fact, your will).
I just love how muslims say "There's murder and rape etc … in the bible and the torah so you can't say anything against islam". Yes, yes there is murder & rape etc … in both those books and we don't deny that. The difference is that we no longer rape and murder in the name of 'god'. We grew up and got over it. When's the last time you saw a christian strap a bomb vest onto himself and walk into a school full of children and blow himself up? When's the last time you saw a jew cut the head off of a muslim just because his 'messia' said to? I also love how muslims say that we are taking their koran out of context or that the translation is inaccurate. You can find people on the internet who speak, read and write arabic that can confirm what's in the koran. People are finding out what islam is all about. islam cannot hide, islam is it's own worst enemy, it's own achilles heel. islam could change and become the "religion of peace" that it claims to be (if it wasn't a 'sin' in the koran). That can only be decided by the muslims. Grow up and play nice like the other religions or become segregated and outcast by the rest of the world where you can subjugate and murder each other in 'peace'.
Also Mohammad's actions are to be followed for all time.
YUSUFALI: Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.
It's not possible for Islam to reform because it's all about Muhammad. He was the one who gave the example of murder, genocide, pillage, torture — more than a decade of heinous crimes that he personally committed in the name of his God concept. Muhammad and Islam are inseparable. The only way to get rid of Islamic terror is to get rid of Islam. The key the getting rid of Islam is for brave individuals to engage in a relentless exposure of these sordid truths about Muhammad. This can be best accomplished through visual mediashowing Muhammad committing his atrocities rather than merely telling about them: Illustrations, documentaries, films, cartoons, comic books. Muslims need to learn these truths as most of them are raised with a mythologized version of him that does not correspond to the facts that can be found in Islam's foundation documents. Most Muslims, once they understand the truth and its implications, will head for the door in search of a religion that is worthy of their humanity.
Muhammad(Pbuh) did not started any war from his side. If u read his life you will find that when he started proselytizing islam in his birthplace mecca the infidels attempted to murder him and he escaped to Medina. Then the infidels of Mecca also attacked them in Medina. After that Muhammad(Pbuh)to defend themselves fought against the infidels. He have no deliberately did any war.
Jews and Christians do not need to wear any bomb vest because now they are not sufferer. Only Muslims in Palestine, Iraq, Bosnia, Kashmir, Afghanistan are being killed by the Jews and Christians. They are now terrorists. Jews are gradually encroaching whole of Palestine. if anybody opposes then they kill. Muslims at the last resorts become a suicide bomber. Think as a normal who wants to kill himself. When the sufferer do not get justice then he takes law in his hand. You Jews return the land of Palestine, withdraw your soldiers from Afghanistan,Iraq,stop bombing in Libya. You will not find any self defense attack from Muslims.
Mohammad wanted world dominance, that is why he sent out those letters to world leaders. Islam has been at war with non-Muslims for 1400 years, as Islam calls for perpetual war. Muslims attacked America long before we were over there. The Barbary Coast Wars.
Whenever some Palestinian(so-called) got killed, they try to present pictures of sorrow and injustice. This is absolutely unfair, unjust. This is the doing of Islam and their Allah. They shouted Allahuakbar not long before they were killed, usually by Israeli defence. Worshipping Islam brings sorrowful death and more painful hearts to hate those who defend their lives against Islam whose followers claim to be militants(taking millitary options and action). There is death in such action. Simple to proclaim that millitants(though they were terrorists in denial and in disguise) are not Pacificists by any account.
David if the Palestinians wanted peace, they would not allow shows that teach their children to kill Jews on their state run TV. They are a terrorist state.
“The attitude of the Muslims toward the Christians and the Jews is that of a master toward slaves,” a British diplomat, H.E.W. Young, reported as late as 1909, “whom he treats with a certain lordly tolerance so long as they keep their place. Any sign of pretension to equality is promptly repressed.”
Muslims usually say that the violence in the Qur'an should be taken in its historical context,the same applies with the Old Testament.That's true,but,Muhammad himself committed those crimes & Jesus did not take part in any wars.Muhammad raped,killed & looted in the name of Allah.Clearly this guy is the worst example of a human being & should not be emulated.
The Quran has no historical context.
It commands the use of violence against the infidel in the here and now.
Look at TruthTubeTv, And see how the sadistic instructions for hate and violence in the Qu'ran are carried out every single day thru out the islamic world and even thru out the west now,
And yet even as the staggering numbers of islams victims grow, The defend islam at all costs brigade does not show a hint of mercy or compassion for those victims. Yet expect us all to bow down in submission and praise islams every evil as they do!
I once embraced islam I now hate it for what it has done to believers and disbelievers alike!
I have heard that site is good, I will check it out today.
Great work on finding the strength to leave Islam!
The victims of islams hate, Are more then any other group of victims in the world today and yet we are the least represented and still the most persecuted, Because the house of islam has more money and power and oil, Then God in the world today.
The Qu'ran is a barbaric war manual, And everyone who deems it holy. Deems its calls for beheadings and butcherings of people ect as holy and there for, Is partly responcible when countless innocent victims of islamic hate , Are butchered.
The silence about the victims of Islam is astonishing. Yet if one Muslim whines about something, the world comes running.
It's not possible for Islam to reform because it's all about Muhammad. He was the one who gave the example of murder, genocide, pillage, torture — more than a decade of heinous crimes that he personally committed in the name of his God concept. Muhammad and Islam are inseparable. The only way to get rid of Islamic terror is to get rid of Islam. The key the getting rid of Islam is for brave individuals to engage in a relentless exposure of these sordid truths about Muhammad. This can be best accomplished through visual media—showing Muhammad committing his atrocities rather than merely telling about them: Illustrations, documentaries, films, cartoons, comic books. Muslims need to learn these truths as most of them are raised with a mythologized version of him that does not correspond to the facts that can be found in Islam's foundation documents. Most Muslims, once they understand the truth and its implications, will head for the door in search of a religion that is worthy of their humanity.
Also one of the problems is that Mohammad's actions are to be followed for all time.
YUSUFALI: Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.
Ohh, that again, rising Anti Islam hate. It's time something concrete was done, instead of wallowing in political correctness.
Even this opportunity is going to go down the tube. I'll wager my salary on that.
wherever islam or muslims spread anarchy, murder, torture, corruption, annihilation of minorities, supression of the woman, military dictatorship, one man show like moh-mad spreds. stop islamization deny oppurtunity to muslims with your position or with a vote. only medicine to muslims to leave islam is deny, annihilate them in every walk of life
There may be murder and rape in old religions but as a women I reject that behavior. No exceptions. And the marriage of little girls to old men is vulgar. Any man who is stimulated by the undeveloped body of a little girl should be shot. No exceptions. Until women world wide start YELLING to be heard, the men will keep it underground. Don't be quiet.
How come the woman rights groups are not yelling in the streets, about how Islam discriminates against women?
islam is full with rationality, no dogma.
mass media led people to hate Islam. Do not believe the mass media. want to know the real Islam? read al quran and visit the islamic center in your city
The media protects Islam, and I have read the Koran. Besides the fact you think you are slick by posting under two different names, you had better debate me on your next post. If not, I will delete all of your future posts here. Is that clear?
Hellow first you read the Quran and if you have understood it then you will come out to dishonour it.
Remember as the old prohpecy goes there will be no peace within brothers. That’s what is happening across Muslim world,killing their own people and killing others. Islam is for voilence after all.
Women in islam are for sex and slave.
Think and come out if you are true human being.