This morning I put a call into the Washington office of (R-SC) Senator L. Graham. I called in regards to his statement that the Fort Hood attack had nothing to do with Islam or the war.

Here is how the short conversation took place.

CL: Hi my name is Chris and I am run a website called Islam in Action. I am calling in regards to the Senator’s TV statement that the Fort Hood attack had nothing to do with Islam or the war. How did he come up with this statement, when the evidence clearly shows us otherwise? I can read off plenty of Koran quotes which show that this act was in accordance with Islam.

Staff member: What show was this on?

CL: Face the Nation.

Staff member: He must of said this before an evidence came to light.

CL: On November 5Th, a colleague of Malik Hasan named Terry Lee told Fox News that Hasan had made the following statement, “maybe the Muslims could stand and fight against the aggressor”. That is a clear statement of being against the war and in support of Islam. The Senator made his statement on the 8Th.

Staff member: Well, I don’t know what to tell you there.

CL: That is your answer? That is the best you can come up with? 

Then there were several seconds of silence on the phone. 

Staff member: Maybe he was trying to protect the Muslims that are still serving against a backlash.

CL: How nice, how come the Senator or anybody else didn’t bother to protect the non-Muslim soldiers from Hasan after knowing that Hasan was a threat for months? Why is it that everyone bends over in a politically correct effort to make sure that Muslim are not offended? When do non-Muslims stand up for each other? Our #1 policy in this war is not to offend the Muslims. These are the same policies that are sinking the UK in regards to Islam. So why are we following them?

After a sigh from him and long silent break of at least 8 or 9 seconds, I said thanks for having no real answers, have a good day. 

As you can see many of our so called leaders are gutless, we are in a world of trouble my friends.

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