We continually see how Muslims in the West use our freedoms against us to advance Islam. Now they have created this council to brush up on their skills on how to destroy us from within. The rules need to change, otherwise we will eventually lose this war.

EU Muslims Launch Rights Council
By Hani SalahCAIRO — Muslims activists from 26 European countries have come together to launch the first rights council to enlighten European Muslims about their rights, monitor rising Islamophobia and defend Muslim rights in European courts of law.
“We think European human rights groups are not doing enough to defend the rights of Muslims,” Ali Abu Shwaima, the director of the Islamic Center in Milano, told IslamOnline.net on Monday, December 21.
“Therefore we though that we need this new council, especially that all laws and constitutions in Europe respect freedom of religion and oppose all forms of discrimination and racism.”
The Council for European Muslims Rights was launched Sunday, December 20, in the Belgian capital Brussels.
Abu Shwaima said the launch was attended by activists from nearly 26 European countries.
The participants had formed a general committee to elect the council steering team.
The council would include four committees for violations monitoring, media outreach, governmental liaison and financial issues.
“We are now seeking to register the council with European countries and the European Union,” Abu Shwaima.
“We have taken into consideration that the council’s bylaw confirms with laws in all European countries to avoid any registration problems.”
Multiple Roles
The fledging council seeks to play multiple roles in serving Muslims in Europe, estimated at nearly 25 millions.
“The council will seek to enhance Muslims’ awareness of their rights under the laws and constitutions of their European countries,” says Abu Shwaima, a founding member.
“This could help abort far-rightists’ attempts to deprive them of such rights.”
Last week, the international Open Society Institute said Muslims in Europe are facing growing discrimination including social and economic disadvantages.
Never a word on how non-Muslims are treated under Islam.
"Never a word on how non-Muslims are treated under Islam."
Probably because they never even think about us. We are lower to them than the dirt under their own shoes. How cares what happens to the dirty kuffar anyway? Pffft!! Something like that.
A Christian in the Middle East told me that Muslims don't care how they treat non-Muslims, because in their mind they believe that we are lucky that they let us live.
Not sure why your comment went into to moderation mode. Sorry about that.
They already do it here. They are doing in the mosques and elsewhere.
Read 'Muslim Mafia' to find out what the disgusting Muslim Brotherhood front groups do to kill our country from within.
Russia has the Muslim Brotherhood listed as a terrorist organization. We should be doing the same and then close them and all of their tentacles within America.
They are trying to market al-Ikhwan as pacifist, reformed, acting only on the political plane. But anyone who will read the Hamas Charter will know better.
Looks like it is overdue time to form a US Constitutional Rights Council to educate and inform non-Muslims what their legal rights and protections are relative to Islamics, people dead set on overthrowing the US Constitutional protected rights and the USA overall.
Perhaps something like "Center for Immediate Expulsion from America of the Islamic Political Party and It's Members" (CIEAIPPM).
Or for those who prefer more memorable initialisms: PATRIOTS – "Provide Americans The Resolve to Immediately Oust The Savages"
“The attitude of the Muslims toward the Christians and the Jews is that of a master toward slaves,” a British diplomat, H.E.W. Young, reported as late as 1909, “whom he treats with a certain lordly tolerance so long as they keep their place. Any sign of pretension to equality is promptly repressed.”
mark, This attitude come from their Quran Sura 5:51 " Believers,take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends and protectors.For they are friends and protectors of one another.Whoever of you seeks their friendship and supports them shall become one of their number.Allah does not guide the wrong doers." Quran is full of hate towards the Jews and Christians.. There is a Book by Bat Ye'or " The Decline Of Eastern Christianity Under Islam" You can get from you local library. http://www.faithfreedom.org Happy New Year to All.